Episode 23

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After a rough argument with each other, Yoongi ended up, drinking himself to sleep, while Jimin cried himself to sleep, at the fact that he was completely mad with himself. 

''Jimin-ah...'' Tae knocks on his bedroom door, knowing he's awake. 

''Go away.'' He whines. 

''Aish! You're being completely childish about this whole thing.'' Taehyung groans. He looks at Yoongi, who was leaning on the wall waiting. 

''Go away!'' He shouts once more. 

''He'll come out when he's ready.'' He whispers to Yoongi, not wanting to give away that he's here. 

Both walks back down the stairs, and into the kitchen.  Although Tae and Yoongi have never talked to each other before, simply because they weren't very fond of each other, as they had met under bad circumstances. 

''I'm sure if he heard that you are here, he would have come out.'' Taehyung says, trying to break the thick silence. 

''I don't doubt it. Jimin and I have something really good going. And this stupid argument is trying to mess it up.'' He says, staring at the glass of water in his hand. 

''I know we don't know each other like that. But, did you possibly think that the reason Jimin didn't pull away, was probably because he didn't want to?'' Taehyung asks, trying to not sound offensive. 

''I never thought of it like that. I mean he ended thing with her-'' ''Because you asked. You confronted him with the situation and made him end things.'' Tae starts. ''I mean, do you realize, that Hye Na and Jimin had been dating for a year until he broke things off to move for school. When he came back, she was still single waiting for him. Then he met you. He never truly ended things with her, he simply placed it to the side.'' Taehyung explains. 

''I didn't know that.'' Yoongi mumbles. 

''I mean, maybe he really liked her, maybe he didn't. You took his virginity, and I know it's weird I know that, but hey, I'm his best friend. I just think that you and Jimin need to sit down and talk about it. I know Jimin, and right now he's in denial. He's denying these exact words I told him yesterday.'' Tae explains. 

''I also didn't know that. I'm going to go talk to him'' He stands up, and make his way up to his room. 

He knocks, only to be rejected by an emotionally disturbed Jimin. ''Leave me alone Taehyung!'' 

''Babe...'' Yoongi says out loud. 

Jimin stops crying and sits up. ''Yoongi?'' He questions. 

''I came.'' He smiles behind the door. Jimin stands up and opens the door. 

''What are you doing here?'' He peeks his head through the door. He finally steps out of the way and lets him in. His eyes were red, puffy. His cheeks and lips were swollen. He locks the door behind him, to keep Taehyung out.

''Awe, were you crying?'' Yoongi walks up, touching his face, and wiping his tears away.

''No, I was doing my makeup and the pencil went in my eye. Yes! I was crying.'' He says. 

''I see you still got your humor.'' Yoongi chuckles. 

''Why are you here?'' Jimin asks again. 

''I...We need to talk.'' Yoongi takes his hand and guides him to the bed. They both climb on and sits in the middle with their legs crossed. 

''Taehyung told me, you were just putting Hye Na off to the side. That the only reason, you ended things with your ex is because I confronted you.'' Yoongi says calmly, caressing Jimin's hand in the process. 

''No, that's not why. Fuck, Tae really needs to stay out of my business.'' 

''Why then?'' 

''We've been together for three months, and I was caught up in our romance instead of worrying of things from the past.'' Jimin admits. 

''Also, he told me that I took your virginity. Is that true?''  

''My God!'' Jimin covers his face, which is now red, including his ears. 

''So it is true.'' 

''It is, but I kind of wanted to keep that to myself'' Jimin mumble through his hands. 

''Then we will never talk about it.'' Yoongi removes Jimin's hand off of his face. 

''Honestly, I'm sorry, for how I acted. I shouldn't have been mad, you had every right to be.'' Jimin apologizes again. 

''It's fine. I also kissed my ex, so I guess we can call it even.'' 

''Yea, but you kissed her on the cheek or the hand, I can't remember. But you simply didn't kiss her on the lips.'' 

''Stop worrying. I'm not mad anymore. I forgive you, obviously, or I wouldn't have shown up here.'' Yoongi says, pulling Jimin's head into his chest in a hug.

''Really.'' Jimin mumbles on his shirt.

''Really, it's only an issue of her kissing what is mine.'' Yoongi lifts his head up, glances at his lips for a split second, before taking them as his. 

Their lips fit together like a puzzle like they're made for each other. Jimin can't help but moan into the kiss. Yoongi pokes his bottom lip, but knowing Jimin, he simply goes in. Exploring every corner of Jimin's mouth. Yoongi's hand grabs a hold of Jimin's face, before he pulls away, both of them panting for air. 

''I was madder at her kissing what's mine, and less about the kiss its self.'' Yoongi admits. 

''You could say I was equally mad when you kissed Haru.'' Jimin admits. 

Yoongi goes back to taking the lead and kissing him again. His hands now, roaming and traveling to other places. His fingers hit Jimin's skin under his shirt, and the coldness of them, causes the younger to gasp. Yoongi takes this small moment of weakness, to push the younger down his back, and climbing on top.

His lips travel down to Jimin's neck, and up to the deep spot under his chin and neck, his sweet spot. 

''Yoongi...'' He moans out loud, gripping on the older's shoulders slightly, because of the oncoming pleasure. 

Both already flustered, and hard in their jeans, sent them deeper down the path they want to get to. Yoongi goes to slide down Jimin's sweatpants until a knock on the door stops them. 

''Fuck...'' Jimin groans in frustration. ''What?'' He asks through gritted teeth. 

''Food is here, and Jungkook wants to see you since he hasn't got the chance since we came back.'' Taehyung lets him know. 

''We'll pick up where we started later. Come over when you're done here tonight.'' Yoogni says, kissing on his neck a little more. 

''I will be there. And stop, this problem won't go away, if you keep me turned on.'' Jimin says getting up from the bed and walking out, Yoongi following behind. 

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