Episode 44

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Jimin laid there, stuck to Yoongi's side, looking at him sleeping peacefully. He hated being so guitly with him. He hated lying. He hated that Taehyung was right. He softly and gently swipe the older's hair away from his face.

"I'm sorry..." Jimin whispers the guilty slowly starting to drown him.

Yoongi's eyes slowly start to open and Jimin as usual, puts on a happy face.

"How long have you been awake?" He smiles a very tiring smile. "Just a couple minutes." He replies, shifting around to get off the bed.


Yoongi P.O.V

I see the mark on his neck. Way earlier as soon as he stepped foot inside the house. I asked and hoped he would've told me the truth then and there. But he lied. "A product he started using..." Seriously? Like I've heard better lies than that. I've said better lies than that.

I didn't overreact, I "believed" him. In the shower, I made sure to not give him any hickeys myself, so when I do ask about the mark, he can't say it was me.

The damn thing is visible. It's not like he even tried to hide it. Shaking my damn head.


Jimin currently sat in between Yoongi's legs, and laid back on him while the movie played. At this point, he didn't try a single bit to hide the hickey.

Yoongi however, paid no attention to the movie but rather intently looking at the red mark.

"Jimin-ah... Anything happend while I was gone?" He asks giving Jimin the space to answer truthfully.

"Nothing much, me and Tae had a few disagreements. But that's it." He says bitting his bottom lip trying to keep up the lie. "I'm gonna go get some more snacks." He says and gets up from his position and walks away and into the kitchen.

His phone which he left face up on the table vibrates. A message pops up.
Not usually being the nosey one Yoongi hesitated to look. None the less his insecurity spoke and he grabs the phone, the message sat on the screen.

He didnt need to open up the phone to see. The entire message was there on the lock screen.

"Jimin-ah, you're just going to leave me all alone in this bed for your partner? Now that they're back in town, the kisses and all meant nothing huh? Guess I was simple company. It was fun while it lasted."

It reads. Having a short fuse, he got mad. Jimin comes back into the living room, with a bag of chips and drinks.

"Here." He hands Yoongi a drink but he rejects it. "So you're not thirsty then." He mumbles and places his drink down.

"Here." Yoongi gives him his phone. Jimin takes it with confusion and flips it over, opening the screen. The look of guilt and shock is written on his face.

"It's not-"

"Don't lie to me Jimin!" Yoongi snaps and stands up. The couch moving back a little due to the force. ''I'm going to ask you one more time. What is that on your neck?'' 

Jimin gulps and decides to tell him. ''It's a hickey from  Hye Na.'' He says, whispering her name low. 

''So, while I'm away, missing you, and being homesick because I wanted nothing else than to just being here, calling you every night, you're here with her?'' He asks in a low tone. Jimin takes a few seconds to respond, and before he actually can, Yoongi snaps again. ''Are you fucking serious?!'' He asks in a much angrier and louder tone, as he takes the filled glass cup and knocks it off the table, sending it flying to the wall. 

''It wasn't meant to go down like that!'' Jimin says, his voice breaking down. 

''You have a fucking hickey on your neck!'' He shouts, gripping Jimin's jaw and roughly turning it and tapping on the mark. "How exactly was that situation suppose to go?!'' He asks, letting go.

"I regret what I did. Alright! Tae told me to stop, and I didn't want to. Yes, I regret what I did and I feel guilty!" He starts. "But I can't take it back. So, I apologize. Either take it or it is what it is!" Jimin shouts feeling fed up with the scolding Yoongi is giving him.

"I don't like feeling like a child or being patronized." He mumbles.

"Patronized?! You cheated and you think me being pisssed about it is patronizing you?!" Yoongi asks in shock. "You know how to fuck with me." He laughs cynically.

He sits down and contemplates for a moment. "I think it's best if you go back home." Yoongi suggests.

"Baby..." Jimin goes to touch his shoulder but he stands up and moves away.

"Don't. Just don't. You lied Jimin. I'm not fucking slow. As soon as I saw it on your neck when you walked in, I knew what it was. That was your one chance to tell me truthfully what it was but you lied." He explains, his voice cracking.

"You know what I've been though. You know how unstable and insecure I am. And you still did that; and lied." The tears run down his face. "Guess you're just like the rest." Yoongi says.

"Yoongi..." He attempts to justify the sutuation.

"Don't let the door hit you on your way out." He says in a cold, harsh, and hurt tone.

Jimin gets up, grabs his phone and walks out letting the door slam shut behind him. Yoongi however, fell back on the couch and broke down. The anger slowly over took and he kicked back the glass table, sending it flying across the room and shattering into pieces.

Jimin drove home with guilt ridden emotions drowing his thoughts. "Why? What the hell was I thinking? Why didn't I just tell him?" Ran awol through his mind.

Finally arriving home, he walks into the house to find Tae and Kookie cuddled together as a movie played.

"Oh you're home? How was it?" Tae asks but only to have his question rejected by a very pissed off Jimin. "Leave me the hell alone." He snaps and walks straight up to his room, slamming it shut. Loudly.

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