Episode 11

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Jungkook wakes up to the sight of darkness, panic starts to set in before he pushes himself backward, flying off the bed and landing hard onto the wooden floor.

"Ah!" He wines in pain, and Taehyung, grunts at the sound that woke him up.

"Jungkook, are you okay?" Tae looks down at him from the bed.

"No! My ass hurts." He whines. Tae simply laughs at his tone, before getting off the bed in all his naked glory, and picking him up from the floor.

"I apologized, but on the serious note, we have to stop kissing and making up," Tae admits.

Jungkook climbs on top of Tae before speaking. "I agree that we have to stop making up every argument with sex..." He sucks on Tae's neck. "But, I can't help it that having sex with you, is...." Kookie stops when Tae slips out from under him.

"No. Not another round."Tae warns.

"Why not?" Jungkook whines.

"We just agreed to not have makeup sex to solve our arguments." Tae points out.

"It's not makeup sex, it's-" Kookie stops again by Tae's voice.

"Baby no. Maybe tomorrow." Tae smiles, stroking his hair.


"We're not together, yet you're so protective already." Jimin smiles at Yoongi.

"No, we're not, but I plan to make you mine. Plus there is something about Taehyung that doesn't sit well with me just yet." Yoongi admits.

Jimin blushes at the thought of being Yoongi's, before speaking up. "You just need to get used to Tae. He's really nice." Jimin reassures.

"I'm sure he is, but Jungkook's situation a couple of days ago said differently." Yoongi points out.

They spent the whole 2 hours talking of themselves and Tae's relationship with Kookie, that the movie they had planned to watch, was over.

"We never watched the movie even once," Jimin says disappointedly.

Yoongi feeling guilty, as it was all his fault they never paid attention to the movie, got an idea to take Jimin out.

"Put on your shoes, we're going somewhere." Yoongi stands up from the couch.

"Where?" Jimin asks, quickly following.

"Somewhere." Yoongi smiles, getting in the car, before starting it and driving off.


"Are we there yet?" Jimin asks.

"No. Just sleep." Yoongi pats his head back to sleep.

An hour passes before Yoongi comes to a stop. The stopping motion of the car, wakes Jimin up, and as the cute mochi he is, he rubs his eyes with his chubby fingers, with confusion as to where he is at.

"Where are we?" Jimin asks.

"We are at my favorite mountain restaurant." He smiles at the memory.

"It's dark out." Jimin notices.

"That's the best part about it." Yoongi grabs his hand and leads him into the dim light of the interior of the small building.

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