Episode 6

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"Yoongi... Yoongi...Yonngi!" Haru shouts three times at Yoongi, who spaced out. Deep in his thoughts.

"What?!" He shouts with annoyance as his name was being called continuously.

"Your food is getting cold." She points to his untouched plate of food.

With no words, he agrees and picks up the spoon with the food in it, before nibbling it in his mouth.

"You're acting like a stubborn child. Eat the food." She pushed his hand in causing the spoon to enter his mouth. 

Without complaints, he chews then swallows. ''I'm not hungry.'' He puts the spoon back down, and walk up the stairs to his room, leaving Haru very much confused. She leaves the table and follows him. She arrives at the door but finds it close. 

Comfortably, she lightly opens the door, and peek inside finding him laying down staring blankly at the ceiling.

She sighs before speaking up. ''Do I have to ask?'' 

He does nothing. He simply lays there, thinking it seems. 

''Yoongi-ah...'' She walks deeper into the room. She sits on the edge of the bed, and gently place a hand against his clothed arm. 

''Huh?'' He says, but it comes out more like a question. 

''Okay, so something is bothering you. But I know if I ask, I won't get an answer.'' She explains. 

''Nothing is bothering me. I'm just in a different state of mind today.'' He turns his head, looking at her. 

''Since your mom left, and you came back from the cafe, you've been like this. So something happened there.'' She pushes. 

''Nothing happened. Just drop it.'' He says sternly, but not meaning for it to come out that way. She's taken aback by his tone, yet says nothing. She stands up, but he speaks up before she leaves. 

''I didn't mean for it to sound that way. It's just, there's nothing going on.'' He explains, trying to soothe the moment. 

She says nothing and walks out.  

Since he was young, Yoongi was known to have an ability to hide his emotions very well. He was never the type to talk about anything involving him. Personal or non-personal matter. His mother usually had to pry it out of him, and one percent of the time, it worked. 99% of the time it backfired. It drove him away even farther from her and he shut her out completely. 

Haru seems to not be able to adjust to that side of him, and although she does show it, he can tell that she's slowly giving up on the two of them. And frankly, he doesn't mind. The one glance he took at the guy he paid the coffee for today, changed his mind about which sex he truly wants to be with. 



I don't get it! We've been together for closely three months. And I know that is a very short time to expect someone to open up so quickly, but he doesn't even try talking. He doesn't even make an effort to show me that I'm someone that he cares about enough to tell me anything. 

I care about him a lot, but I can't be with someone like him. I'm slowly giving up. I will keep trying, but eventually, I know I'll give up. I know he can see it. I'm guessing that's just him. 

I mean, the man could be dying on the inside, and he still won't talk. Plus, sex is a topic, I won't even mention. We get to it, and it's like his body freezes. Then I go to touch him, and he flinches or moves a 'safe' distance. Like what the fuck. 

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