Episode 12

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~Two months later~

"Morning." Yoongi kisses Jimin's nose tip.

It's been two months since their relationship started, and Jimin has been staying at Yoongi's on a regular basis. Though they haven't passed the stage where they've had sex with each other, Yoongi is slowing opening himself up to Jimin.

"You're up early," Jimin says lowly, following with kiss to him.

"I'm going to the company today. They called me in." Yoongi buttons up his sweater, before staring at himself in the mirror.

"Wait, you're not working home anymore?" Jimin asks, shooting up from under the covers.

"I will, but not all the time. You will be fine, just don't miss me too much." Yoongi hugs him from his standing position.

"I'm going to be bored at home all day." Jimin whines.

"Ok, I'll probably get off late today. I can't do anything about your boredom, but you should arrange something with Jungkook. You two are good friends. Plus I still don't trust Taehyung just yet." Yoongi smiles.

"Fine." Jimin agrees, before watching Yoongi walk out going back to work.


"Well, someone finally decided to come home." Taehyung leans against the kitchen doorway, as Jimin walks into the house.

"Hi, Taehyung." Jimin smiles.

"You and Yoongi are getting close." Tae smiles.

"Sure," Jimin says, trying to hide his finished face.

"Any dirty secrets?" Tae asks.

"No. We haven't." Jimin answers, shoving his face inside the fridge as he looks for a water bottle.

"By the possessiveness look he has on his face, I thought he would've-" Tae starts, "Wherever you're going with that sentence, stop." Jimin cuts him off.

"Oh please, I'm sure he has said way more vulgar things to you than this." Tae smiles sneakily.

"Stop," Jimin warns, running out of the kitchen, but not before he bumps into Jungkook.

"Aish! Jimin, you've been working out too much." Jungkook groans in pain.

"No, you've just been getting too much dick from Tae. It's turned you into a wuss." Jimin corrects, before walking up the stairs and into his room, leaving.

Minutes later, Tae comes knocking on Jimin's door.




Jimin walks past Tae and down the stairs, before his phone ring.

"Hello." Jimin smiles at Yoongi's number coming up.

"Hey Baby, I'm on a lunch break. You want to join me?" Yoongi asks.

"Yes! I will be right there. 5 minutes." Jimin speaks, as he forces on his shoes, and grabbing his car keys. He drives according to speed the limit to the cafe, and quickly make his way in after parking.

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