Episode 29

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Jin walks out of the kitchen, with a bowl of fruits in is hand, just as Chung's phone dings. He reads the message from Namjoon, just as Jin interrupts him.

''Is that him?' Jin walks over to the counter and sits on the stool.

''Yeah.'' He replies.

''It's 8:30, where is he?'' Jin asks.

''Actually, I'm taking you to him now.'' He smiles.

''At this time. Fine.'' Jin grunts and hops off the stool to change into something warmer, since the temperature outside was dropping by the minute.

''He leaves me halfway through my birthday, and all of a sudden he wants me to meet him.'' He mumbles under his breath.

''Just hurry up!'' Chung shouts.

Jin walks back out with a long coat, a scarf, and warmer shoes. He grabs his wallet and phone and follows Chung out of the door.


''Where are we going?'' Jin asks, looking out of the window, trying to figure out where in Busan he is, because this isn't his first time here, and plus it's dark and they have been driving for at least 30 minutes, also sipping on his warm drink which he had gotten on the way here.

''Somewhere.'' He says, turning the corner and driving into the walking park.

''Why are we here?'' He asks as Chung pulls into the parking lot, and he makes his way out of the car.

''This is where you're meeting Namjoon.'' Chung says, stepping out of the car, to walk Jin to the edge of the park where the water was below. They walk for a minute or so until Jin sees Namjoon standing by the railing. He walks up to him, Namjoon already turning as he hears his footsteps.

''Hey.'' Namjoon smiles.

''Hey, um... What are we doing here? It's freezing Joon.'' Jin says, shivering as he continued downs the large cup of warm beverage.

''I brought you here, for your birthday gift.'' He says smiling.

''In the freezing cold? Not a really good idea.''

''It's a simple and quiet scenery. It's perfect for your gift.'' Namjoon smiles again.

''And what is that gift?'' Jin asks.

Namjoon turns around, looking at the water just swaying side to side below him, and the city lights which reflected off of its calm surface. ''Do you feel that we're in a good place in our life right now?'' He asks, out of the blue.

Jin looks at him for a second before answering. ''I mean, yeah. We're successful, stable, settled, our romatic relationship is great. So yes, I would say we are in a great place in our lives actually.'' Jin explains and redirects him.

''Better answer then I expected actually.'' Namjoon chuckles.

''What answer were you expecting?'' Jin laughs.

''SeokJin, you know I love you.'' Namjoon says, using his first full name.

''Namjoon, what is going on? You never use my full first name unless it's serious.'' Jin says, worry starting to show on his face.

''You know I love you. You're the love of my life Jin-ah.'' He says again.

''You're scaring me.'' Jin says looking in his eyes.

Nmajoon sucks in a breath, gathering the courage to say what he's about to say next. ''Marry me.'' He says.

Jin's eyes go wide, and he places his drink down on the side of the railing, as he's in shock at his words. ''W-what?'' He stutters.

''I'm serious.'' Namjoon says, pulling out the small velvet box from his coat pocket, making Jin gasp in shock. At this point, his eyes couldn't be any wider, even if he tried.

''Kim Namjoon?'' Jin asks in a warning tone.

''Kim SeokJin.'' He mocks.

''I mean, you're serious?'' Jin asks, throwing his head back, to take in some fresh air, as he feels suffocated from the news.

''I am.'' Namjoon opens the box, revealing the silver ring, with a small size alexandrite stone in the middle, the light hitting it perfectly, showing the shifting colors.

''Oh God! you're serious.'' Jin covers his mouth, tears threatning to spill out.

''Where is this coming from? We've never talked about marriage. Ever. And we've been together, three years?'' Jin asks.

''After the interview, I though about what the host said, about us being the right age to settle down, with someone. I know marriage or not, we'll be settled with each other, but I want to finalize that last step with our relationship.'' He explains.

''Oh God this is happening.'' Jin breathes, fanning his eyes, to keep the tears away, but failing miserably.

''Is that a yes?'' Namjoon asks.

''Put the damn ring on my finger.'' Jin lets out with a laugh, tears already streaming down his cheeks.

Namjoon laughs at his answer, taking the ring carefully out of the box, and placing it on his right hand. He cups Jin's face and kisses him. A kiss similar to that of this morning. Filled with care, passion, love, patience, and a lot of Namjoon's feelings towards him, and Jin had no issues returning that same kiss, with double times the emotion.

When they pull apart, Jin can't help but shed more tears. Namjoon pulls him in a hug, patting his head.

''Baby, why are you still crying?'' Namjoon asks, smiling at his now fiance's reaction.

A/N: AHHHHH!!! I was screaming while writing this part. This is by far one of my favorite moments from the book. I have others, from the beginning, but I love this A LOT.

Jin pulls away, drying his eyes. ''You continuously find new ways, to make me happy. To make me love you, even more, every day. And, and, this is... I wasn't expecting this.'' He explains, staring at his ring, loving the way the colors shift on the stone.

''That's what I'm here for. To love you, and make you fall for me all over again every day.'' Namjoon stares at him, loving his reaction to this unexpected gift.

''And you're doing a damn good job at it. This is one hell of a birthday gift.'' Jin says. ''Is this what you were doing all afternoon?'' Jin asks.

''Actually, I started this the night after we left the interview. I got them to start cutting the stone and get to work on the ring. Today, I had to come in, for one final view of it. And they had to place it all together, so I had to be there. And also pay for it.'' He explains.

''You set up a proposal, in two days?'' Jin asks, shocked, as he knows they usually take longer to get a custom ring made.

''I did. It was last minute, but this will last more than a minute.'' He says kissing him again.

''God, I love you.'' Jin says, kissing back. This birthday is officially the best birthday ever. Nothing can top this. Nothing at all.

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