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A few days had passed and Saya had just been released from the hospital... again. Her head was swirling with thoughts of what had happened. They ended up settling on Shigaraki. When Saya was younger she felt alone and forsaken, but she had Saro. For some reason she felt like All For One was a twisted version of Saro. All For One and Saro were Shigaraki and Saya's saviors in a way. When Saro was taken from her she had gone crazy. It had taken her awhile, but she was finally statring to feel better. For Shigaraki the wound was fresh. He was probably feeling the same hatred Saya had bread and fed for years right then wherever he was.

In a messed up way they were very similar. Saya's heart clenched at the thought of him being some lonely kid left alone and scared.

Saya's eyes widened at her own thought. She felt sorry for the man who had killed her family. It was the first time she had felt anything other then hate towards them. It was the first time Saya had realized that they were people to and had to have been through something to become such a terrible villain. Somehwere inside Saya wondered if that was why All Might, Midroya, and Saro were such good heroes. They understand the value of every life even if they had done terrible things. If she understands it does that mean she can become a hero?

Saya's own thoughts had been shocking herself a lot recently. As she walked through the streets with her hands in her pockets Saya took the time to reflect on herself. In the little time she had been at UA she had chnaged so much.

Before all she could think of was revenge. She was cold, depressed, alone, and vengful. Back then she wouldn't have even batted an eye at Bakugo, or anyone else for that matter, if they were dying in front of her eyes, but now she had risked her life to save him. She hid behind a mask, blamed her weaknesses on the loss of her family and twisted them into the strengths of a villain. If All Might hadn't found her that day she would no doubt he fighting against 1A rather then with them. She used to be so broken, Saya had become a genuine person.

In all honesty Saya was still confused and scared. She spent so long in such a dark place she was nothing but her hatred. Now she has a chance to become who she wanted to be, but who did she want to be? Kind like All Might? Firece like Aizawa? Determined and hardworking like Bakugo? Helpful like Kirishima? Smart like Yoayorozu? No. Saya wasn't going to use other people to shape her own personality. It might take longer, but she would become her own person. It was then she decided she wanted to be a hero. Not some faker who is in UA's hero course becasue she waf orced into it. She was going to work hard to improve her quirk and learn how to save people instead if killing them.

Saya wa ready to turn over a new leaf, but there were a few things she needed to do before she could face everyone again.

"Hello Fuko Hitomesho, or should I call you Eye Hunter?" Saya sat in an uncomfertable plasitc chair in front of a thick glass pain and talked into a phone.

The man in front of her had wide, crazed eyes. Instead of the normal pupil his iris is white with a black spiral. He had a creepy smile etched into his face, and his nose was bruised and pushed to one side. Saya was happy to find out she had broken the fuckers nose.

Besides his crazed features he looked like a normal male. Lean, but not to muscular. It was hard to tell anymore than that with his orange jumpsuit on. As Saya stared at him he seemed so much smaller then she had remembered. He wasn't some towering monster anymore, but a weak man in cuffs.

"I'm not saying this for you, but for me. I deserve to live how I want while you rot in prison and I can't do that unless I do this. So I forgive you. I forgive you for being a pitiful man, who kills people and taked thier eyes. I forgive you for not being a human, but a monster, and I forgive you for taking my childhood. I have to also thank you for teaching me how harsh the world is at such a young age, and I thank you for giving me a reason to grow and become stronger, but I don't need that hate to be stronger anymore. I thank you for being there at our summer camp and fighting with all you had even if you just wanted my eyes" Saya had spoken all of this in a strong voice. She had been reborn.

"And last of all I thank you for falling in such a satesfying way" Saya brought her hand to the mask on her face. Closing both eyes she took a deep breath before taking the mask off. Eye Hunter giggled and slammed his cuffed hands on the glass.

"Such pretty eyes!" He screeched. The guards rushed over the the struggling man as Saya stood and watched. She looked down on her mask before running her fingertips along the smooth bone. The bottom of the mask began to turn into bone dust unitl all of it was nothing more then a lump of powder.

As Saya walked away the dust was disturbed by the small breeze her movements created. The poweder followed Saya a few feet before falling to the ground, just like her old self.

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now