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(I don't hate Midoriya, and it pains me to write this. But I need to. Whaaaa)

Saya ended up missing Bakugo and Uraraka's match, but she heard it was intense and in the end Bakugo won. She did see Uraraka was pretty beat up when she sat down next to Kirishima again.

With that battle done and over with the second round began. There was a short break before the matches began again. Bakugo made it up to the stands and their classmates began joking about him being a villain.

They were all so wrong. Bakugo didn't use his full strength because he wanted to hurt her. He wasn't that kind of guy. Saya didn't need to watch the battle to know that Bakugo sees her as a worthy opponent. He acknowledged her. That was the nicest thing Bakugo was capable of doing.

Round two was held off so they could declare a winner from the Kirishima and Tetsutetsu match. Saya was cheering and yelling for her red headed classmate as the two brawns for brains arm wrestled. In the end Kirishim was victorious and ended up moving on to round two.

The second bout of battles began with Midoriya and Todoroki. This was bound to be a fight for the history books.

Not only had Saya heard what Endeavor said to Todoroki, but she also heard what that man said to All Might.

'I will mold that boy into a hero that surpasses you one day.' Saya thought back to his words. So, that was all Endeavor saw Todoroki as. A tool to beat All Might. What a sad life Endeavor lead.

The crowd began going wild as the two males took their places. Just like his other fight Todoroki sent a large ice attack towards Midoriya. The green haired boy used his quirk to smash the ice. The smaller boy broke a finger every time he countered. They went back and forth doing that while shouting at each other. Saya couldn't hear what was going on, but based on their expression it seemed like Midoriya was trying to force his sunshine and rainbows on Todoroki.

Eventually Midoriya ran out of fingers and then he started to use his already broken fingers to block as well. Even one of his arms were broken. It was clear Midoriya wanted an endurance match.

"Man it's so cool. You and Todoroki have quirks that can blast away the whole building." Sero commented. Kirishima agreed adding in how he was a bit jealous to.

"you idiots. It's not that simple" Bakugo countered. Saya agreed with the blonde in his head. One of the main reasons Bakugo, Todoroki, and Saya (though they don't all know that yet) are so strong is because all three of them have amazing athletic ability and reasoning skills. Saya knows all of her classmates train, but even so as someone who worked to the bone to improve her quirk it was easy to spot people who have also been through intense training. Everyone else can call it talent or whatever, but the quirk doesn't make the person, the person makes the quirk.

Saya snickered to herself. That last thought she just had sounded like something her master would say.

She shook her head and concentrated on the battle going on. She must've missed something because Midoriya's head was smashed into Todoroki's stomach by the time she looked back down. From the stands Saya could see Todoroki shaking. She narrowed her eye. He wasn't even using his left side to regulate his temperature like he usually did.

Todoroki slid back from the impact and Midoriya did the same. They both stopped for a few seconds. Midoriya yelled and then flames. Todoroki was using his flames. He fixed his right side and attacked Midoriya.

Saya was transfixed. When she spoke to Endeavor earlier she could feel the cold. He might've been covered in flames, but everything else about him was cold. That feeling overwhelmed his heat, but Todoroki was different. A smile found it's way to Saya's face. His flames were warm, kind, and gentle. They were a reflection of who Todoroki really was. He was not like his father and he proves that with every spark he produces.

Saya's smile softened when she spotted the single tear that rolled down Todoroki's face. Yes, he was finally seeing what Saya saw. He only saw himself, not Endeavor.

Both boys amped up their powers. On one side it was burning hot and on the other it was freezing cold and behind Midoriya wind lashed out at the crowd.

Todoroki sent a huge wall of ice towards Midoriya and the latter used his quirk to jump over it. Iceyhot moved his leg back and suddenly his whole body was covered in flames. Everytime he moved it was as if he was reaching for the stars. The ones he created for himself.

Saya didn't even realize she was leaning so far forwards until the two attacks collided. A huge explosion swept through the arena. The smoke slowly cleared and everyone was holding their breaths.

Saya was able to see before most people because of her odd eyes. They worked better at night, that's why she hunts when she does. That also means she can see through smoke screens. Saya stared dumbfounded before falling over the chair. Her face was smashed into the seat and her legs slowly bent around her body until her feet went past the row of seats in front of the ones she fell upon. She was doing a full on and painful back bend. She was almost folded in half.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Midoriya fell to the ground against the side of the arena while Todoroki was left standing in the middle. The crowd was frozen for a moment. Completely speechless. Then applause erupted from the crowd. The people watching went crazy for Saya's two classmates.

Now that Todoroki was using both sides, Saya might have to make a few weapons before she battles him. She still wants her quirk to stay hidden. All of her classmates knew it had something to do with her bones, but only a few people had actually seen it. The class had decided that her quirk was the ability to make weapons out of her bones. Oh how wrong they actually are. That was her fault though. Every time someone would ask she would either fall asleep or distract them so she could slip away, but make it look like she wasn't outright avoiding the question.

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now