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"my hardening quirk is super string, but it's not to flashy" Kirishima said. The eight of them who sat in the more open area were talking about quirks.

"Now that I think about it ribbit I don't know what Nakano's quirk is" Asui pointed out. Saya scratched the shaved side of her head nervously.

"well uh, you see my quirk is useful but not very flashy" Saya said.

"If anyone has a cool and flashy quirk it would be Bakugo, and even Todoroki!" she said changing the subject as quickly as she could. She inwardly sighed when they began talking about the other two.

"hey, hey we're here. Stop messing around." Aizawa called. Everyone immediately quieted down and began getting off of the bus. Saya made it a point to trip again, so no one would catch on to her actual persona. In a way acting like that felt nice. It was fun. She hadn't been or even acted this happy in years.

A hero in a space suit began talking. Saya snapped out of her musing and began paying attention. Her name was 13, she was a rescue hero who could make and suck anything into her black holes. Interesting.

Everyone ohed and awed at what was inside. There was multiple areas of the large building that perfectly mimicked natural disasters.

"before we begin let me just say one thing, or two, or three. Four maybe? possibly five. Anyway our quirks are closly regulated so, we don't usually notice but plenty of quirks could be used to kill just as easily as they can be used to save, PLease remember if you're not careful or lose focus it could cost someone, maybe even you, their lives." 13 explained.

Saya suddenly got a chill. She hugged herself involuntarily. Aizawa had begun talking when all of the lights turned off. Thankfully there was enough natural sunlight to make everything more than visabl enough.

A cloud of black smoke suddenly appeared in the middle of the training ground and people began pouring out of it.


"Sorry little girl, but your daddy is gone." a faceless man bent down to her eye level.

"what happened to daddy?" she asked cutely. She needed to know dammit.

"well a scary shadow man hurt your parents. Your daddy used his quirk. but it just went through the shadow man. You daddy fought hard to beat the scary monster, but the yellow eyed monster ended up hurting daddy to much" Bingo. That was the kind of information she needed. She had overheard earlier that this guy had some sort of warping quirk.


Was it really him? The bastard that killed her father. Saya's jaw clenched and her teeth were bared. Her happy-go-lucky phased gone like it was never even there.


"Sorry little girl, but you can't see your mommy" Another faceless man. This time a coworker of her parents.

"but, buy why not?" She pleaded.

"i'm not supposed to tell you this but a light blue haired kid used his quirk to disintegrate your mommy's face. We couldn't find him because he had hands covering his face" The adult looked up. It was like he was talking to himself. Saya walked away while he was distracted. Using one of her arm bones, she used her quirk to shape it into a messy knife and threw it at a white bored that was meant to be a memorial for her parents.

"when I'm done with them there won't be anything left of these bastards to mourn" Saya sneered to herself. Even at the ripe age of six, she held on to her hate.


It was just a they said. A man made of black mist with yellow eyes, and a blue haired boy with hands all over him.

"Stay together and don't move!" Aizawa called. Saya gripped her head and hunched forwards. they were right there. Right in front of her. The two men who left her an orphan.

Saya screamed at the top of her lungs. In a rage she pulled out both of her femurs and fused them together. She then ripped her spine out of her back and let it fuse with the two other bones as well. Instead of concentrating like she usually did, so it wouldn't break the skin to bad, Saya just ripped them from her body leaving three large open wounds on her thighs and back. Her bones formed a sharp and long Katana. It was ivory white with small drops of blood falling from it.

"I'm gonna kill you!" She screamed. She was moving so fast it was like she disappeared from her spot and teleported in front of the blue haired boy, not even bothering with the others. The black mist man used his warping quirk to redirect her sword through a portal so it would stab her back.

To the mist mans shock she was able to stop the sword before it hit her skin. She snarled like a feral beast and ripped out one of her ribs to make a dagger. She aimed for the head, but it went through him like before.

"it is you. You're the ones that killed them. I've trained and hunted people like you for a long time. I've been searching for you and one other for almost nine years! Now that I've got you, neither of us are leaving until someone dies." Saya swung her body around so fast not even the mist man could stop her. Her food connected with something hard. she smirked and brought her foot back to her body. A sharp white blade was poked through her white flats. The spike retracted into her heal and a few audible cracks were heard.

"Kurogiri get this girl away" The blue hand man hissed.

"you're next hands for brains!" Saya yelled. Kurogiri opened up numerous warp gates, but Saya was so fast not a single one was able to touch her. She felt something large coming for her, so Saya used her sword to cut straight threw it.

Her eyes widened when the thing she just cut threw was suddenly there again. A large blue muscly hand crashed down on Saya, and before she was able to even try and escape she felt her body falling.

Saya landed with an oomph. She was able to get her footing, but it collapsed so she ended up falling on he ass. She surrounded her hands with bones and she smashed her fists into the ground.

"FUCK THIS! DAMMIT. DAMMIT. DAMMIT ALL!" she threw a fit. Saya took a deep breath and looked around. She was in the collapse zone. She spotted a building and decided to head there.

Kirishima and Bakugo looked down at the girl who was freaking out. They were able to see her body get up even with all the dust. They decided to wait until the rubble cleared. Kirishima took a large gulp. His tongue was stuck in his throat.

"She destroyed four building without even moving. Just who is she?" Bakugo asked aloud even though he was talking to himself.

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now