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Saya didn't move a muscle until she heard the bell ring. She sighed and stood up leaving her food and dishes abandoned on the roof. With every step she took a puddle would be left in its wake. People stared at her, but her head was hung low. With a huff Saya slid the door open and walked to her seat.

"Woah! Your soaked Nakano!" Kirishima said to the girl. She ignored him and just sat there shaking from the cold. Kirishima shed his jacket and slung it over the shivering girls shoulders. Saya turned her head to face Kirishima and flashed him a closed eye smile.

"I'm fine. Just forgot my umbrella when I went outside" She assured him. She suddenly perked up.

"Oh yeah! Aizawa's going to run our training today right? Since it's raining it'll have to be inside. I wonder what we'll be doing" That got the class talking. Everyone began throwing ideas around, but stopped talking when Aizawa stepped through the door with Nui following him.

"Alright, since it's raining we'll be training in one of the indoor facilities. We will be playing a game of hide and seek. Now usually we would wait until you're all second years to introduce this exercise, but Aska here specifically requested this class to give it a try. You've already faced real villains in the USJ attack, but this exercise is a different approach. All of you get changed and meet me down in training room Cube" Aizawa spoke before walking out with Nui trailing after him.

The class grabbed their costumes and quickly got changed. Most of them came out on groups or pairs. Mina and Saya were talking while waiting for the rest of the class to get ready when they were interrupted by Nui.

"It's practical, but flashy and it doesn't allow you full range of your quirk. I thought you'd know better than that brat" Saya's master said. Mina was about to yell at the woman, but Saya stopped her. Angel Breath cockily huffed and walked next to Aizawa again so they could explain the exercise.

"All right for this game you will be split into two groups. The hidden and the seekers. Even though you will all be on teams it's every man for himself. If someone who is hidden sees another person they can sabotage them. For example shoving them into plain sight, or making noise. The seekers will have to find all the people hidden. To get points the hiders can either knock out other hiders, and for the finders you'll be given a point for every hider you find. If you are the last hider standing you are worth an extra five points. By then it'll be a free for all. The hider is allowed to attack the seekers, while at the same time the seekers can attack each other. Once that happens a fifteen minute timer will begin to count down. Whoever has the most points in the end will be the winner." Aizawa explained. Iida raised his hand and the adult male sighed before asking him what he wanted.

"How is this supposed to assist us when we become hero's?" The engine boy asked. This time Nui answered.

"Not every mission will be flashy. There will be times you have to be sneaky, like in a hostage situation for example. While the other hero's distract the men inside you could sneak in and knock the villains out one by one. To do that successfully you would need to be able to hide and take people out silently" She explained. The class seemed to understand what was going on better. That didn't make the task seem any easier though.

The inside training ground was designed to look like some kind of intricate mansion. There were doors and furniture everywhere. Saya sighed as Aizawa began to split the teams. On the finders side there was Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Bakugo, Jiro, Asui, Midoriya, Uraraka, Tokoyami and Ojiro. The hiders were  Mina, Mineta, Sero, Iida, Higakure, Aoyama, Sato, Koda, Shoji, and Saya.

"Now that the teams are decided the hiders have ten minutes to plan and find a hiding spot." Aizawa announced.

Mineta and Sero were most likely going to find some place up high to stick themselves, while Higakure will take off all of her clothes. She was going to be the hardest to out-hide. As for Iida he would most likely find a place to hide in completely like a wardrobe. He was very out of place in the traditional Japanese mansion. Saya almost felt bad. Knowing Kota's personality he'll find something to hide under. Mina probably will find something pink to hide behind like curtains. Sato will no doubt hide in the kitchen, there's no place he knows better. Shoji would also be hard to beat. He was smart, very smart, but it would be hard to find somewhere he can hide because of his height and extra arms. If this was a realistic mansion then there would have to be some kind of cellar. That would be where he will think to hide. It's relatively open, but he can move from place to place if someone were to look down there.

So the main question was where would she hide?  Her first thought was to hide in the attic, but that would be to simple. Suddenly the bell went off. She was out of time. Saya was already near the basement door so she headed down the stairs. She searched for an auras. She found Shoji's like she thought she would, but he was around the corner. Saya jumped on top of the boiler and found a broken vent. She silently crawled in and secured the loose piece of metal with a screwdriver she made from her bones.

She had gotten herself in a bad situation. The vents were not only loud but obvious. It didn't matter though when it came to Saya. This was nothing more than Childs play.

Let the games begin.

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now