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Saya ruthlessly took out every villain that came within a few feet of her. She was an unstoppable force just walking through the collapse zone like it was nothing.

When Saya made it to the door of the building she punched it off of it's hinges with her bone knuckles.

"where is he?" He snarled. Yup she was pissed. Kirishima flinched at the bloodlust Saya was giving off.

"Those fuckers aren't here. Either help us or get out!" Bakugo yelled.

"DAMMIT!" She roared punching her fist into the floor.

"move your asses" Saya hissed. Both boys decided it would be best to just listen and move out of the way. As Saya's fist came in contact with the ground it began to shatter until the building was nothing but added rubble. After taking a deep breath Saya stood up straight.

"Go help the other, or run away I really don't care. But stay out of my way unless you want to be brought to your mothers in a plastic bag full of your diced up body" Saya threatened. Using her speed she was able to vanish from sight in seconds.

"I wonder what could make Nakano go crazy like this?" Kirishima mused. She was so nice and if nothing else airheaded. Now she walks and talks like a girl, but she sure as heck didn't seem like one.

"idoit. She was always like that. Her eyes never matched her smile" Bakugo said before storming off. Kirishima followed close behind taking care of any other weaklings that they encountered.

When Saya got to the middle of the building only the mist man, handsy, and bird brain was left. Handsy was fighting Aizawa.

"Move your ass unless you wanna die!" She yelled to Aizawa. Saya picked up her bone katana as she ran and without slowing down stabbed blue hands through the stomach. Saya snarled. This child shouldn't have been able to kill her strong, lovely mother.

"you're the bastard that disintegrated my mothers face. You killed her!" Saya roared again. Suddenly her hands were in pain. She bared her teeth and looked down at her hands. Her bone sword was dust in the floor as well as most of her hands. Saya pulled away and used her quirk to cover her hands in bone so they couldn't get hurt even worse.

"Nakano get out of here. They're out of your league" Aizawa yelled. Saya looked back her eyes full of fury.

"No! You're the one that's outclassed here!" She yelled.

"I wanted to kill you with my first pillar, but scum like you don't deserve that honor. Pillar number five is the best i'll give you" Saya snarled. She jumped back a few feet and reached into her back once again. She ripped her spine from her back as well as all of her ribs. She thinned the handle so she could make her weapon longer. In only a few seconds what once was Saya's spine and ribs was now a spear longer than her body.

With a war cry Saya threw herself at Handsy, but was stopped yet again but bird brain.

"kill her Nomu!" his raspy childlike voice shouted. Saya narrowed her eyes at Handsy, but was still able to cut bird brains arms off again, and again they grew back.

"isn't my nomu just great? Not only does he have super strength, but he can also heal himself in seconds" Handsy gloated.

Saya closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes they were sharp and almost seemed to be glowing. As she moved her silver eye left an after image like a sparkler in the dark.

With her spear in hand Saya began slashing and slashing at the monster at rapid speed. Her movements were so fast all Aizawa could see were her after images. With one last strike Saya landed back on the ground and skidded a few feet. Nothing happened for a second, but once she blew towards the monster it fell apart in to hundreds of pieces.

"this damn thing... Fine i'll go 45% speed and 20% strength" Saya spoke aloud to herself. Behind her Aizawa was staring in shock at the girl that was supposed to be his student dice a bird monster that was triple her size with more anger than he'd ever seen coming from one person before.

Saya once again landed, but this time she held her ground as Nomu fell to pieces. She then punched the ground shattering it and sending Nomu pieces around the building in the process.

"even if he does regenerate it'll take him awhile" Saya whispered to herself. She turned around just in time to see Handsy grip Aizawa's face.

Saya's eyes widened


Her heart hammered in her chest.


A scream ripped itself from her mouth.


Her body shot forwards.


She was to late.

Aizawa's face was in pieces. Saya quickly ran up to him in complete hysterics.

"please Moma don't die. Please Moma hold on. You can't leave us Moma" Saya chanted Aizawa, who was barely conscious grabbed her wrist as tears poured down her face.

"i'm not going anywhere" He used his last breath to reassure Saya before he passed out. She quickly wrapped his scarf around his face as a make-shift bandage. Aizawa was already out cold. Even more furious then before Saya stood up and slowly lifted her head.

Instead of an angered face, she was smiling. Her eyes were red and puffy, her clothes were pretty torn up and bloody from her repeatedly ripping her bones from her skin, but even so she was smiling with her one visible eye shut.

"Handsy~" Saya cooed. She took wobbly but peppy steps forwards. A laugh came from her throat.

"That wasn't very nice of you" She said happily. All of her classmates that were in hearing range shivered. Her voice was happy, but her tone was bone chilling. Said man began scratching his neck. Misty man appeared next to him and whispered to him. In a few seconds Handsy moved towards Midoriya, Asui, and Mineta.

Before she could even stop, Saya had his wrists in her grip. She squeezed with a sickening smile as his bones snapped. He ripped his hands away and growled at Saya

"You brat. I'll kill you" He pouted like a child. Not paying attention to what was by her feet Saya began to attack again. Instead of landing a hit on Handsy she fell tot he ground. She looked down at her ankles because that was were the unknown pressure was coming from. The Nomu hand that tripped her began to climb up her body as more and more pieces began to come back together.

In a last attempt to get away she sharpened all of her bones and shot them out like a porcupine. She held in her yelps of pain as her own sharpened bone ripped through her skin and shot out. Only a few of them hit their target. The rest had formed a tall spiked wall-like structure around her. Only Nomu, Handsy, and Saya herself was left in there. Because she used all of her bones so quickly it would take awhile for her to generate them back.

Saya finally let herself yelp in pain as Handsy lifted her up by her throat she coughed as she used her nails to scratch at his hands, but he didn't let go. He only squeezed tighter. Her neck began cracking off. Then her mask, then the left side of her face.

"HAVE NO FEAR STUDENTS. I AM HERE" came a distant call from the doors.

Saya's bone wall began to crumble and through the cracks Saya was able to see All Might, and he wasn't smiling.

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ