Please Don't Go

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Just as Handsy dropped Saya, she was able to see All Might fighting with the Nomu.

If only I could harden his fists. Saya pleaded to every god and deity she could thing of.

Please let him beat them. if not for me then for everyone else. Her eyelids were so heavy. At least the one that wasn't disintegrated. Saya scoffed at her own stupid thought. Was that really what she was going to think about before she died? Her airheaded act was starting to ware off on her real personality. Was it really an act though?

Saya used the last of her strength. She couldn't stay conscious anymore. So she didn't. Black.

All Might could feel himself starting to lose power. He shouldn't have needed to use that many punches. He wasn't sure he could take much more. Suddenly it seemed his punches began having more effect. He looked at his fists to see only white. A bone-like substance enveloped his hands. As All Might continued to punch he spotted Saya just as she blacked out.

"Thank you young Nakano. I won't let this monster win" He said to himself.

Midoriya grabbed Aizawa. Just then Bakugo and Kirishima came to the middle of the building. Kirshima gasped loudly.

"Nakano is out cold. We need to get her to safety!" Kirishima yelled. Bakugo decided to quickly follow Kirishima and grab the white haired girl. Well, her hair was closer to Kirishima's now that she was covered in so much blood. Kirishima gently picked up Saya and handed her to Uraraka and Sato.

Bakugo, Kirishima, Midoriya, and Todoroki were all helping take down warp gate dude. Bakugo as able to pin down warp gate while Todoroki froze Nomu to help All Might and then also began assisting Kirishima with Handsy.

All Might was able to force Nomu to surrender. Backup came soon after which made the Handsy freak and mist man open up a warp gate. The two disappeared along with Saya's opportunity to kill them.

The critically injured were taken to the hospital while the others who had minor injuries were taken back to the school to see recovery girl.

The doctors were able to wrap up and clean her wounds. Most of the gashes made from her bones ripping her skin needed stitches, and her disintegrated face was only able to be helped a little by recovery girl.

School was cancelled the next day.

"Mommy, Daddy please don't go" A whimper came from Saya's mouth and tears streamed down her face. With a gasp Saya shot up out of bed. Her heart monitor sky rocketed and then slowed down quickly as she began to slow her breathing.

"The bones in his arms are splintered and he's got facial fracturing. Fortunately there doesn't seem to be any brain damage, but his orbital floor has been almost completely destroyed. We have no idea if he'll have his eye sight when he's all healed up. Poor Aizawa" An unknown voice came from outside her doors.

Saya ripped the needles and pads attached to her body and limped out of the room grabbing onto whatever she could so she would stay upright.

"where... is he?" Saya managed to speak through her facial bandages and her exhausted state. The two nurses jumped at the sound of a creepy voice and turned around to see a body completely wrapped in bandaged except for her silver eye.

"w-who?" The male nurse stuttered.

"Aizawa" Saya spoke again. This time the female nurse responded.

"He's in the next room over, but he can't see anyone right now" She said in a small panic. Ignoring the nurse, Saya limped over to the room next to hers and shoved the door open. She walked like a zombie into his room.

"who's there?" Came a hoarse voice.

"Aizawa. Aizawa, Aizawa" Saya repeated his name over and over again until she was right next to his bed. Aizawa was freaked out, but couldn't move.

Saya looked down at Aizawa.

"Moma" She whimpered. Saya laid her hands down on his body.

"please come back moma" She whimpered again. Aizawa was about to press the red button under his bed but instead his eyes widened. He could feel his bones snap and mend back together. The ones that couldn't be healed were carefully taken from his body, and a new one grew in it's place. But that wasn't what made the pros eyes widen. not even what was under the bandages that were becoming unraveled. There wasn't a trace of skin from what he could see and her neck as well. He was also able to see this persons broken wrists.

What shocked him was the glowing scarlet eye. It was so familiar but he couldn't place it.

"come back Moma" She whimpered again. Saya picked up her hands and they fell limp, showing just how broken they were

"Nakano?" Aizawa called out.

"Moma why did you leave us?' Aizawa could barely make out the words coming from his students mouth. Just then her head rolled to the side and her body collapsed to the ground.

"Nurse! Doctor! Anyone! a patient just collapsed in my room!" Aizawa yelled not even realizing he was on his feet.

It had to be Nakano. He clearly saw her manipulate her bones and her quirk is called Osteokinisis. Her quirk was already so powerful. Aizawa didn't think she would be able to manipulate the bones of others. If that's the case he would have to keep an eye on her.

Once Nakano was dragged out of his room Aizawa requested to see the doctor for anoher check up.

"this is amazing. Every single bone that was damaged in some way is completely repaired. Some of them even look like they were just made today! I've never seen anything like it" The doctor was amazed. He knew many with healing quirks, but quirks that can actually manipulate something like bone to that degree was unheard of.

"great. Can I go now?" Aizawa asked. The doctor nodded.

"I suppose so. Recovery girl is going to heal your face up slowly. Everything we needed to heal is fixed." Just before Aizawa left he turned around and stopped the doctor.

"how is Nakano doing? she's my student" He said.

"Oh that poor girl. Both of her wrists are damaged beyond repair, her face was disintegrated and is in worse condition then you. Not only that but she has deep flesh wounds all over her body. What could that girl have done to get such horrid injuries?" The doctor asked Aizawa.

Said man just shook his head and left the hospital.

Saya woke up in the middle of the night and she was hungry. The cafeteria was most likely closed already and she didn't want to bother anyone with having them make her something. Saya wandered down the halls as she looked for food.

Instead something else caught her eye. One of the single long term patient rooms had the lights on. It was the exact same room number as... In a trance like state Saya sprinted forwards towards the door and slammed it open.

"Saro?!" She called out. Her shout was met with a soft smile.

"Hello dear"

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now