Saving Bakugo

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The six of them had finally arrived at an abandoned building.

"It's not much of a hideout, but it's something" Kirishima said. Iida began to complain about them not being good at sneaking around. Saya had stopped paying attention. She ripped her jeans to make them shorts and untucked her shirt. She brought the hoodie around her waist over her shoulders and pulled the hood up. It was time to hunt.

"All right. All of you shut up and listen to me. As Yoayorozu said we're going into this blind, so be on your guard." Saya told them. They all nodded.

"Now one person here knows who I am. As long as all of you can keep this a secret i'm willing to tell you top secret information regarding me. I'm only telling you this to put you at ease." Taking a deep breath Saya took off her mask, but had both of her eyes closed. She brought her head up and lifted her lids.

"I am who the media call The Pillar of Ten Weapons. I have been hunting villains for years and not once have I been caught. As long as you listen to me we'll all survive this. I'm going in first" Saya said not giving them time to process anything.

The others stood around a vending machine while Saya hopped around the building trying to get a look in all of the windows. She didn't need to get to high before she realized the whole thing was full of Nomu's. The sight made Saya want to puke. She pulled her hood further over her head and circled the building.

The weeds under the front door were overgrown and thick, but the inside looked well maintained. There had to be another way to get in.

"Nakano, the front door looks undisturbed. There has to be another way in. Try to find it if you can" Yoayorozu spoke into the ear piece she made for everyone.

"Affirmative. Haven't found anything yet, besides a warehouse full of Nomu's. Rows of them." Saya reported back. Unfortunatly she was on the other side of the warehouse so she wasn't able to see their reactions, but she was pretty sure she knew what they would be.

The roof door was undisturbed as well. That means there had to be some underground entrance or a hidden door somewhere nearby that lead to the building.

Wait. The villain from the USJ attack had a warping quirk. Crap. That meant they didn't even need a door.

Saya relayed her thoughts the others before she made her way back to them. They had all seemed to be in agreement about the warping quirk. This just proved to be one more obstacle they would need to overcome.

"I didn't see Bakugo or anyone else in there for that matter" Saya told them. They all decided to go around back to see if there was anything else Saya had missed. She knew she didn't 'miss' anything, but now wasn't the time to argue.

They all shimmied between the two very close cement fences.

"This is getting really narrow. I might get stuck" Yoayorozu said. Saya agreed whole heartedly. From the side Saya saw a foot step inside a car.

"Guys, we need to hide. Pros are here" Saya whispered. Mt. Lady's foot came crashing down on the building sending a large wave of wind in their direction. Soon after Beast Jeanist, Gang Orca, Mt. Lady and a group of other heroes and policemen had restrained every single one of the Nomu.

Iida, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Midoriya were all confident that the authorities had it under control, but if there was anything Saya learned over her years it was that the real help never comes in time. The rookie will think they have it all under control, but in truth they just think they do. It all cheering until someone important shows up, and that hasn't happened yet.

Saya unconsciously grabbed Midoriya's arms as he began to walk away.

"It's not over yet"

Just as Saya had predicted a new voice echoed from the shadows with the consistent thump of footsteps close behind.

"My apologies Tiger, but Ragdolls quirk was so useful. I just had to take it when I had the chance" The voice was deep and sounded like it was coming from some kind of tank, or from inside glass.

"Since my body was destroyed I wasn't able to stock up on quirks." The voice spoke again. Orca told the man to stop, but he obviously didn't listen. Best Jeanist used his quirk to restrain him, but in only a few seconds a red shock wave hit him and he was thrown back. When the smoke cleared he was revealed to be pretty badly injured. Not only that, but Mt. Lady and Orca were in a similar condition. They were on the ground, shaking and bloody.

The blast alone completely destroyed the building and created a huge dip in the ground. It was so long Saya couldn't see the end. Her eyes widened in hopelessness at the sight. Her bloodlust was bad, but this? It made her seem like a worm in the eyes of a god. Saya took a deep breath. No. She had no time to be scared.

Saya looked down with her hair covering most of her face. She looked up slightly at the man before her allowing part of her face to be shown from under her hair. It was twisted in rage. Her eyes were narrow and her red eyes glowed as she used her quirk to make her Ten Pillar mask.

The six of them watched as Best Jeanist used the material from his long collar to push himself up. It was truly pitiful. The pro tried to attack again, but instead was greeted by a gaping hole in his stomach. Saya's fingers grazed over her own scar. For some reason it stung. Instead of being terrified like the others Saya could feel her anger bubbling inside of her.

Those people could've saved someone. Saved hundreds more before their career was over, but instead this man hurt them. Who knows of they'll ever save someone else again. When Saya needed saving there weren't any pros around because of a recent fight where All Might debuted.

Suddenly coughing drew their attention back to the villain behind them. It was Bakugo. Saya pulled the hat from her head and stared at the hand giving her the finger. She shifted, but was stopped when a hand held her back. It was Kirishima. Iida was holding Todoroki and Midoriya with each of his hands while it took Kirishima and Yaoyorozu to keep Saya calm. She was seething.

It had all finally sunken in that Bakugo was gone. Before she was to busy thinking about Eye Hunter to realize this whole thing effected everyone, but now her thoughts were clear as day. These villain first took her family away and then her Brother figure.

As Kirishima stared at the emotions swirling on Saya's face and only one thought came to mind.

"I'm glad she's on our side. Sca~ry~"

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now