Caterpillar Man

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Saya scowled at the large gates that blocked her path. She didn't even know why she was at U.A.

With a loud sigh she used the pass All Might gave her to open the gates. Her eyes were downcast as she walked into the school. There was still two weeks before school actually started, so there wasn't a single student in the building.

The campus was rather large making it hard to find the principals office. When she did she stopped in front of the doors.

"This is for Saro." She told herself. Saya slapped her cheeks and smiled brightly as she knocked.

"Come in" came a faint voice from he other side. Saya did as told and opened the doors. She was greeted by All Might in his smaller form and a small animal in a suit.

Saya bowed and introduced herself.

"Hiya My name is Saya Nakano. It's great to meet cha" she said happily. She lifted her head and smiled brightly.

"Young Saya, you sure are chipper" All Might said. He seemed to be confused My her personality taking a 180 from the first time they met.

Saya leaned on her hip and scratched the shaved side of her hair.

"All Might tells me you are an extremely promising hero." The principal says.

"She is The Pillar of Ten Weapons, principal Nezu" All Might said.

In no time flat Saya was snarling at the short man; her glare piercing through his whole body. He involuntary shivered at the animosity the girl was radiating.

"I see. I never expected the famed Pillar of Ten Weapons was a girl, especially one as young as you" the small animal said.

"But wait. Doesn't he have a red eye?" Principal Nezu said. Saya unconsciously brought her hand to her mask.

It was the other half of the one she used when she hunted. Instead of it covering everything but her eye, this half curved around her mouth and nose leaving them exposed. The mask was an ivory color that matched her hair. This one was made to only cover her red eye.

One left side of it -the side her mask is on- was shaved, leaving only her bangs to cover the top of the mask. Her white bangs were swiped to the right stopping just above her silver eye. A small piece of hair framed her face and ended at her chin. The rest of her Snow White hair was long and ended just above her waist.

"I'd really rather not show my eyes, but I can assure you my left eye is as red as ketchup" Saya announced.

"Alright. Since All Might here recommended you this late we'll need to test you. Usually we don't accept recommendations from teachers, but he was set on you joining our school" Principal Nezu told the girl.

"Bring it" She said happily.

"Since there aren't any other participants we have decided to have you spar against one of our teachers. Aizawa can you come in please?" Nezu asked the door.

The door creaked as it slowly opened. Saya jumped up like a scared cat and hid behind All Might.

"Caterpillar monster" she whispered under her breath. The thing was in a yellow sleeping bag with only it's head and some of its black bangs poking out.

The thing sighed and unzipped his sleeping bag and stepped out. The man was wearing a black shirt and pants with a light grey scarf wrapped around his neck multiple times. He brought his juice box to his mouth and took a long sip

Sluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp slurp slurp sluuuuuuuurp.

"So this is the girl All Might recommended?" He said. Saya jumped up again.

"It spoke!" She yelled. At the same time a quiet and frightened squeal came from behind her. Saya looked back to see her panda, Sugi, falling out of the hood of her black colorful pastel sweatshirt.

Saya quickly caught her baby and they hugged each other while rubbing their cheeks against each other.

"I know he's scary. I thought I lost you" Saya said dramatically with fat tears falling from her face. Sugi squealed back as if responding.

From across the room Aizawa's eyes narrowed. She moved at an inhuman speed. It must've of been her quirk. Some kind of speed quirk or being able to slow time maybe.

"All right. Let's go down to training ground Beta and hold a mock battle" Nezu said. The group all agreed and began to head down to the training ground. Saya was practically skipping as she hugged Sugi to her chest.

"Woah! It's huge!" She said in awe. Saya then snickered her herself.

"That's what she said" she murmured under her breath. All Might was right next to her and was the only one to hear. He looked at the child beside him and shook his head in exasperation.

"All right please take your places. We will behind when the whistle blows" Principal Nezu announced.

Aizawa and Saya went to random parts of the fake city while the other two went to the observation room.

"Ready. Begin!" The whistle blew loudly signaling for them to start. It was as if a switch had been flicked.

Saya's demeanor turned cold. Her head was spitting out idea after idea.

It was day time, so no roofs. But the buildings can cover her if need be. There weren't any civilians, but even so doing damage to he city would be unnecessary. Aizawa's quirk was erasure. If she looks him in the eyes her quirk will be erased until he blinks. Considering he's a pro he most likely has a pretty good handle on how long he can keep his eyes open. He's also more of a close distance type.

She had two clear options. 1) would be to find high ground an use her second pillar or 2) engage him to show off her skills and use her tenth pillar and make her weapons early before closing her eyes.

"Let's Get this over with. I'm tired" Ten it is.

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now