Bakugo's Girl

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As Saya fell for the last time she head butted huge robots. Todoroki froze them and skated through while some of the others avoided the attack.

Saya jumped up on the first robot and then shot it's joints. She not-so gracefully landed on her butt. with a loud and long yawn she slowly got up and ran. She didn't just shoot for no reason. Todoroki froze them all at angels. If one falls it's like dominos, and Saya just pushed the first one down.

About fifteen people were ahead of her by the time Saya got to the next obstacle a few more people passed her up.

The next obstacle was some ropes tied to rocks. Easy right? Yeah no. You had to climb across the ropes without falling and If you did- let's just say Saya couldn't see he bottom.

Instead of showing off Saya decided to let a few more people pass her while she just hung down and walked across with her hands.

Some girl with pink hair was ranting about her babies and shot herself across the course.

Saya pulled herself up and sleep ran -is that a things?- up the red stairs leading to the last obstacle.

It was a mine field. Saya smirked. She was good with these. She looked up only to see three or four people ahead of her.

Saya pretended like she lost her footing and stumbled through the corse. She was faking trying to keep her balance.

People started getting blasted away while Saya danced through the mine field lazily. This would look a lot better if she was actually trying.

Suddenly there was a huge explosion and then Deku was flying though the air and headed for first.

He was declared the first place winner of the prelims. Saya reached the end of the mind field with a thud as she fell on her butt. She once again rubbed the soar bay part and began sleep running towards the end.

"AND THERE WE HAVE IT FOLKS. ERASURE HEAD IS A TERRIBLE TEACHER" the loud announcer -Radio head yelled.

Saya broke down laughing. That comment woke her up, but not really. As Saya passed the finish line she gravitated towards Bakugo and climbed up him.

He kicked and screamed and grunted, but Todoroki was acting weird and she didn't want to deal with that.

The first game was declared over and the standing was displayed.

She was safe in 21st place with Jiro behind her.

Only the top 42 were to advance to the next game.

Saya stayed on Bakugo's back. She once again fell asleep until McSplodes decided to scream and wake her up.

He went stiff when he felt something cold touch his neck. Saya had one of her knives held to his throat. A terrifying smile danced in her features.

"Wake me up again and you'll match the Swiss cheese you put on the sandwiches you make me" she purred creepily. The few of her classmates shuddered not sure if she was joking or not.

Bakugo visibly gulped and shut his mouth.

"So what's going on~" Saya slurred.

"A stupid Calvary battle. We are getting in teams" Bakugo said quieter than usual so he wouldn't poke the bear.

Saya jumped off of her personal heaters back and yawned as she struggled to catch her footing.

"I get it. So I have 110 points?" She asked looking up at the display bored.

There was 15 minutes to make their teams. Saya had and idea but she needed people as explosive as herself.

Bakugo felt a chill go down his spine as a chill blew in from behind him.

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora