The Floor Is...

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It was a normal day in class 1A. It was break time and everyone was just chilling in the classroom until the next teacher arrived. It was just a little before noon and Saya just almost completely awake. Everyone was just minding their whole business when suddenly...

"THE FLOOR IS BAKUGO!!!" Saya shouted. The Bakusquad all fell limply to the floor while the rest of the class hopped up on their desks or was holding onto someone for dear life. Bakugo just stood there confused and looking around. His eyes soon found Saya who was stomach down pressed against the floor.

"what the hell was that!?" He yelled loudly. Saya giggled and the rest of the class came out of their shock and continued life. Saya and Mina and well the rest of Bakusquad were laughing their asses off.

"I just wanted to see what would happen" Saya responded. She found it difficult to get a sentence out of her mouth without cracking up.

"Alright everyone. Butts in seats" Midnight called. The class found their seats just as the bell rang and morning classes went on like normal.


"okay class today we will be doing a scavenger hunt of sorts. I've hidden small objects around the training city. You have thirty minutes to find them all. Think of this as a rescue mission. Keep the damage to a down low and if one of the objects aren't in perfect condition then they don't count towards your final score" Aizawa explained.

The students all gathered by a starting point and were waiting for the whistle to signal the start.

"Ready, and"

"THE FLOOR IS KAMINARI!!" Saya yelled. Everyone froze and thought for a second. Everyone just stood there not sure how to react to that.

"Hey Nakano is running away" Iida yelled.

"That's not fair!" Kirishima yelled.

"I don't know about you, but when I hear the name Kaminari it makes me want to run for my life" Saya yelled back. The class kinda just smiled at her antic and shook their heads before realizing they were in the middle of training.

"GET BACK HERE!" the class yelled in sync.

From the observation room Aizawa sighed as he face palmed.

"This is why we can't have nice things" he shook his head.

Later that day...

Aizawa went of the results of training that day after everyone gathered back in the classroom.

The class was watching the replay of the sparring battles they had in the second half of the hero training. When (not so) suddenly Saya jumps up.

"THE FLOOR IS ALL MIGHT" She screams. Everyone, including Bakugo which was hilarious, flopped to the ground like a dead fish. Aizawa sighed again and got into his sleeping bag mumbling about 'I don't get paid enough for this'.

"I AM HERE! AGK" All Might burst through the door upon hearing his name. Unfortunately the blonde hero had no idea what was going on and ended up tripping over Aoyama and face planting.

"Even All Might wants a piece of himself" Saya smirked while raising her eyebrows suggestively. (¬‿¬)(¬‿¬)(¬‿¬).

" Alright Nakano, you've had to much sugar" Mina says. she grabbed onto the white haired girls shoulders and guided her back to her seat. Then Sero used his quirk to tape her to her chair and tape her mouth shut.

Saya blinked a few times; completely confused. In a few minutes everyone was situated and Yaoyorozu began going over the results since Aizawa was asleep.

The final bell rang and everyone packed up quickly. Saya was struggling in her seat, but everyone just apologized and ran out.

With and angry growl Saya used her bones to cut the tape. She laughed evilly and rubbed her hands together. Devil horns practically sprouted from her head.

The next day everyone arrived only to find their desks and chairs stabbed through by sharp bones and stuck to the roof of the classroom.

"Um guys... Should we be scared?" Kirishima asked nervously.

Just then Saya, the last to arrive, stood at the door looking at all her classmates as her eyes flickered with mischief.

Only five minutes later Aizawa entered the classroom only to find it empty with the exception of his podium and Saya's desk where she sat happily drinking tea.

"Do I even want to know?" Aizawa asked. Saya rubbed her eyes and fell asleep on her desk -the excitement from a few minutes ago wearing off.

"Uh, Aizawa? Can you get us down please?" Yaoyorozu asked. Aizawa looked up to see all the missing desks and chairs pinned to the ceiling along with his students hanging by their collars.

"Why did I wake up this morning?" Aizawa sighed to himself.

Not wanting to anger the sleeping demon Aizawa just went on with his lesson, and that was that.

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now