The New Scariest Teacher

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The next day Saya woke up to an empty house, as usual. But when she saw an empty coffee mug on the table with red lipstick stains she smiled. She may be alone in the house, but she wasn't lonely anymore.

When Saya got to school she heard about the three boys getting in trouble because of the Stain incident, but they kept the fact that they were the ones who actually defeated him under wraps. All the credit went to The Pillar Of Ten Weapons. After that he was deemed a hero by the media. They even went so far as to call her the shadow Peace keeper. A hero that matched All Might, but stayed in the shadows.

Creepy laughter made Saya look towards the doorway. Sero and Kirishima were laughing at Bakugo's flat hair. Saya burst out laughing as well. She stumbled over to the blonde just as his hair spiked back up. When the who laughing males walked away Saya pulled Bakugo out on the hall.

"What do you want you Ditz?" Bakugo growled. She fiddled with the piece of paper in her hands before talking. She calmed herself down and handed Bakugo the piece of paper.

"Before you open it I have to tell you something. You see my brother passed away a long time ago. You remembers Nui's quirk, Dimensional Breath, and how it works? Well the last two days of training she used her quirk on me and sent me somewhere else" Saya told the blonde.

"Get to the point already Ditz!" Bakugo yelled.

"Oh brother. Why him?" Saya asked to the sky. She could almost hear her brothers laughter.

"Well she sent me to where my parents and brother are and I spent the last to days of training with them. Long story short, my brother said he couldn't protect me anymore and decided he liked you. He told me to give this to you" She said motioning to the letter.

Bakugo sneered before opening the letter.

Yo Bakubro! Can I call you that? Eh who cares I'm dead anyway. So Bakubro, I know my sister is a handful, but I really like you and I can tell you've taken a liking to her. Not in the dating sort of way, but like a little sister. Since I can't be there for her I ask that you please take care of her, and scare away any potential boyfriends!

On a more serious note, Sissy isn't as simple as she seems. She isn't exactly the person she shows to everyone. I want you to be there for her. She needs someone our age she can be herself around. I know you can see her fake smile. Do a bro a favor and try to make it real.

With all the brohood and manliness in the world, Nakano Saro!

Bakugo scoffed at the note. He walked away and threw it in the trash. Saya sighed. She had no idea what was in the letter, and to be honest she was kind of scared to know.

"Everyone sit down! There is going to be an announcement at the beginning of class today" Iida yelled. Everyone just looked at Iida weirdly. Who was going to tell him?

"You're the only one not sitting" Jiro spoke up. Iida went stiff. He turned to dust and began being blown away. When the door open everyone, including Iida who was fine now, looked up.

"Morning" Aizawa said tiredly. Suddenly Saya remembered something. She hopped out of her seat and tried to open the closest window.

"And where are you going brat?" A voice called. Saya sweat and nervously sat back down in her chair.

"Haha, I was just inspecting this window here Ms. Nui. I can tell you it's a perfect window" Saya spoke. She was sweating buckets and shaking in her chair.

"This is Ms. Nui. You've all met her. She's going to be a new teacher. She'll be teaching chemistry as well as helping with your conditioning." Aizawa said.

"WHY!? Why can't she just be a chemistry teacher? The Devil woman is going to kill all of us!" Saya screeched.

"Do I have to remind you of your internship, or should I just made you do out little warmup, let's see, five times? That sounds about good. If you want to go on your fifty mile run right now I won't stop you" Nui threatened. Saya paled. She shut up and sat as still as a board.

"Fifty miles? And what kind of warm up does Ms. Nui make Nakano do that's so scary?" Kirishima asked. Midoriya flipped through his hero book until he found his page on Saya.

"I wrote down what Nakano told me when were in the hospital. For a warmup she does 1,000 Aztec pushups, a ten mile, run and a planche plank for 3 hours. There was something about squatting and fire, but I couldn't understand Nakano's rambling. Is that right?" Midoriya asked.

"What even is half of that shit?!" Bakugo yelled.

"I'm glad you asked Pomerania. That will be your hero training for later today." Saya shivered at her aunts smile.

"I'm exempt though right? I mean i'm injured and I hadn't slept at all during out training..." Saya trailed off.

"Exempt? You think you can slack off? I don't care if your head gets cut off. If I say you train you train. I'm going to be upping your work load. After you do the demonstration today you'll be on your own" Nui hissed. Saya sunk into her chair with a small 'yes ma'am'.

"YEEAAAAH! IS NUI HERE?!" Present Mic slid the door open and walked in followed by All Might.

"Zashi! Toshi! It's nice to see you both" She spoke in a low sultry voice. Both males tried to stand their ground, but Present Mics legs were shaking to much and All Might was sweating buckets.

"We need to introduce you to the other classes" All Might told the woman. She nodded and walked out of the classroom with a wave.

"See you Sho, and if you start slacking off brat your father will hear about it." Nui said before walking out.

"But aren't her parents..." Kaminari trailed off. Saya had a bright smile on her face.

"Yeah, but with Master's quirk I got to see them. I spent the last two days in heaven with my parents and brother" Saya chimed happily. She felt all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it.

"You have a brother?" Kirishima asked.

"Yes. He died a long time ago. I believe a year after her parents passed away" Todoroki butt in. Half of the class was giving him a 'how-the-heck-do-you-know-that' look while the other half was either staring at Saya sadly or wrapped her into a big hug.

"Guys, it's okay. Now that Master is living with me I can see them whenever she lets me. I can't see them all the time because it messes with the laws of nature and there's only so much a quirk can do, but I don't care. Just knowing they're watching me is comforting... kinda" Saya was talking sweetly as if she was remembering her family, but then at the end she looked a bit nervous.

"I bet you Saro's up there making fun of me right now. He's just jealous I got into U.A. without him" Saya crossed her arms and smirked.

"I didn't think it was possible, but this girl is even crazier then before" Sero said. Mina agreed with a laugh.

"Hey Naka-" She began but stopped when she saw her friend had fallen asleep. Mina held a finger to her lips and pointed to Saya. Everyone went silent.

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now