Day Six

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The next few days of training were full of trying to heal injured animals and trying to repair the bones of other people. Saya felt a tab bit quilty when she was told to mess with Shinso's bones when he was asleep, but that feeling was quickly leaving her.

It was the morning of the sixth day and Nui had pulled Shinso from hell a few seconds ago. No one had said anything yet.

"Were you able to mind control Lucy?" Nui asked. Shinso didn't answer. He only stared at her with a blank look. The woman sighed.

"You went to his water park with his ten thousand hell cats, didn't you?" Nui asked in an exasperated voice. Shinso looked at the woman for a few seconds before nodding.

"WHAT?! He got to go on vacation with Lucy while I was stuck here working my ass off?!" Saya yelled.

"What do you care?" Shinso asked. Saya just took a deep breath and stood there with her hands on her hips for a minute of two. Every second that passed fueled her anger. Finally she burst.

"Suddenly I don't feel so bad messing with your bones. Hey wanna know what I learned while you were hanging out with your boyfriend?" Saya asked. Her smile made the angry expression on her face all the more scarier.

"I learned how to break other people's bones by just looking at them. Want me to show you?" Saya asked. Nui put her hand on the girls head lightly before lifting it up and bringing it down. Saya could feel the ground crack under her.

A few minutes later Shinso was now doing physical training. Saya was sitting on his back with camo pants, a dusty yellow shirt, combat boots, and dark sunglasses.

"c'mon! You can't rely on your quirk for everything. You think no villain will know how your quirk works when you go pro? NO! You need to be able to hold your own even without your quirk." Saya screeched. Shinso was already sweating after doing only 10 pushups.

"I want 40 more!!" Saya yelled.

"You're a hero course student who gets extra training, I'm not." Shinso complained as his arms shook.

"It's your lucky day because this is your hero training!" Saya yelled and laughed evilly.

"Hey brat. Come here" Nui yelled from inside. Saya jumped off of Shinso with a hiss. She had forgotten about the gaping hole in her stomach. It kinda hurts.

After recovering from her little pain session, Saya walking into the house to where Nui was.

"Lay down" Saya's master ordered. She did as told, scared of the what the devil woman would do if she refused.

"This brat has been bothering me for the whole week. You better be grateful" Nui hissed. Beofre Saya had a chance to ask what the woman's words met she was met with smoke that came from Nui's pipe. Saya's eyes closed instantly.

The female groggily sat up.

"Geeze that devil woman could've warned me before she breathed me somewhere. Damn Garlic Breath" Saya grumbled.

"You certainly haven't changed." Saya froze. Her eyes widened. Was this some kind of cruel joke? It had to be.

"It's been a long time sissy" Saya slowly looked up. Her grey eye met mismatched ones. She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. Her whole body was shaking.

"Saro? Is it really you?" She asked. The boy standing above her had white hair that hung around his face. It was kind of messy like Saro always had his. The male in front of her was Saya's age and was wearing a white button up shirt that rustled in the breeze.

Saya looked around only to see a beautiful meadow as far as the eye could see. But none of that mattered. She took in a choked breath and reached up for the boys face. She slid it onto his cheek and he nuzzled his face into her cold touch.

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ