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It was a lovely Monday morning. The bird were singing and the sunlight was filtered through the white curtains that swept in the morning breeze. Saya yawned as she stretched her arms in the air. She craned her neck to the side as a content sigh passed her lips. The smell of breakfast being cooked wafted through the house. It was no doubt Todoroki.

Saya stepped out of the bed on her feet landed on the fluffy carpet. Another warn passed her lips as we rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes. She slipped on her mask sleepily and stood up. Reaching out Saya tiredly slid the traditional Japanese door open and stepped into her bathroom.

Her eye trailed from her rather square legs and hips, then up her flat stomach and chest, and-wait. Flat chest? Saya brought her hands to her chest only to feel muscles instead of her usual mounds of flesh. Shaking her head Saya was suddenly more awake. Her eyes then found her face.

"AaAaaAAAAaAhHhhHhh!!!! FGUBONVQHNRJF!!!" Fast, stomping footsteps echoes through the house. Todoroki slid in front of Saya's room trying to slow himself down. He hopped on one foot to catch his balance before gunning it to her bathroom.


"aAAaAaaaAaAaaHhHhHhHhhHhH!!!!" both students yelled upon seeing each other. Saya was a man. Her usual long hair was swept to the side and stopped just above her chin, her jawline was sharp, and her lips were thin.

"Who are you?" Todoroki asked getting into a defensive position. He then realized his chest was heavier than usual. He looked down to see what was supposed to he on Saya's chest. He yelled.

"Who are you?" Saya yelled.

"I'm Todoroki" he said flatly.

"I'm Saya" She said in the same tone. They both dropped their guard and sighed in relief.

"So you're a girl and i'm a guy now..." Saya began.

"Yeah..." Todoroki trailed off. His voice was a bit higher than usual. Saya glanced at the clock and freaked out.

"OMG we need to leave in ten minutes or we'll miss the train!" Saya yelled. Saya grabbed her uniform and slammed the bathroom door shut, while Todoroki did the same in the downstairs bathroom.

"I am not waering a skirt looking like this!!" Came a loud shout from the bathroom. Both of them changed back into their pajama's, Todoroki had a tee-shirt and his boxers on and Saya had a tank top and elastic short-shorts. They looked at each other and switched uniforms silently and headed back into their own bathrooms.

"Todoroki your shirt and pants are a bit big on me..." Saya trailed off. She was still her normal height which was just about the same height at Bakugo.

"uh Nakano... Do you have any small shirts?" Todoroki asked signaling to his chest. Saya snickered. He wasn't flat chested, but had a small bust compared to Saya. Todoroki was like a model. His bicolored hair was as long as Saya's usually was, to her hips, he had a beautiful hourglass figure and his facial features were flawless. Saya would've felt bad, but she was a pretty hot guy.

Her hair style was the same only a bit shorter, her eyes were sharp as well as her nose and jawline, she was pretty ripped with an eight pack and muscles and everything, and her legs were lean yet strong. Her normal mask was to small so she quickly made a new one that only covered her eye and nothing else. It took up less of her face than her other one does.

Deciding that they would figure out what happened at school the two of them left Saya's house and headed to the train station. They both had hungry eyes undressing them the whole train ride. They both survived that by saying next to each other, making it look like they were dating.

Finally the two of them managed to make it to U.A. They continued to stay close to each other as they walked through the halls. People were whispering as they passed by, but they both ignored the gossip.

As the pair turned the corner just before their classroom, something green and yellow flashed across her eyes. The green blur crashed into Todoroki while the yellow one crashed into Saya.

"uhg sorry about that"

"damn nerd" each of them whisper. Saya looks up and her eyes immediately connect with her attackers.

"AGK! Female Bakugo!" Saya said. She leaned her head back giving her male neck multiple chins.

"So it's you two. Che should've known you would be the same" Bakugo murmured. Todoroki helped Midoriya up and they both dusted themselves off. Saya grabbed the back of female Bakugo's head and pulled it to her own, stopping it only inches away from her own face.

"You can fall from the sky, or a tree, but the best way to fall is for me" Saya said giving Bakugo her best smolder. She... He was rewarded with a smack to the head. Saya chuckled and stood up.

"What did you mean that we were the same Bakugo?" Todoroki asked.

"Um the whole class is like this. All the girls are guys and all of the guys are girl. Sero had to tie up Mineta and Bakugo threw him out the window and taped him- uh- her there" Midoriya answered.

They all continued to discuss what was going on as they stepped into the classroom. Everyone was goin crazy. People were shouting and/or screaming. Most of the guys had long and messed up hair while the girl were groomed perfectly.

There a few exceptions though. Bakugo's hair was the same with only his figure changing, Midoriya at least tried putting his hair into a messy ponytail, Iida's long hair was slicked back like usual but now a headband held back what his hair jell couldn't, Jiro left her short hair messy with the exception of her bangs which she straightened, Kirishima's hair was brushed a bit better than some of the other girls. It was about shoulder length with his two spikes still sticking up. Todoroki's hair was perfect because Saya did it herself. Mina's hair was pretty much the same except a bit straighter than usual.

Suddenly the bell rang and everyone shuffled to their seats. The door slammed open and Aizawa walked in. He took once glance around the room and the shut the door. They all just sat there confused.

A few minutes later the door burst open again.

"I AM HERE. COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A FEMALE!" All Might yelled. Everyone took a few seconds to process what they had just saw.

"HUH!?" They all yelled in sync.

Everyone felt weird while changing into their training uniforms that day. A few of the girls had to help the boys.

Let's just say it was a very weird day.


Later. The class who decided to hang out together.

"Hey guys... I fell like we're forgetting something" Female Kirishima mentioned.

"Yeah. We all forgot our fucking balls Kirishima" Bakugo snapped back.

"I'm sure it's nothing" Male Mina assured. The class just shrugged.

"Wait... Why isn't someone trying to grope me?" Kaminari asked. All at one everyone's eyes widened.

"MINETA!!!" Dekusquad jumped up, leaving the rest of the class where they were.

"Do we really want to get him?" Sero asked. They all made eye contact.

"Neh" they all chorused at once.

"...Hello! Guys! It's getting dark and I have to go to the bathroom" Yelled Mineta.

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now