Hero Killer: Stain

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Saya ran and ran and ran and then stopped. She needed to forget what she just did to Iida's brother. She slipped into an alleyway and pulled her mask off of her face replacing it with her hunting mask. Her red eye shimmered with anger.

Just then a huge explosion went off. Saya's eyes widened and she sprinted towards the fire. Before she could get anywhere near it a giant light blue bird man appeared in front of her. Nomu. That had to mean those other two were there as well. Saya's heart thumped in her chest. It echoed in her ears loudly, but with a deep breath Saya had silenced it. She shifted her body and cracked a few bones before unbuttoning her jacket and molding her bones into a scythe.

"If I have to get through you to kill them, so be it" She hissed before running up to him and swinging around the weapon like it was a part of her body. Saya had managed to get a few good slices in, but like last time the Nomu regenerated quickly.

Saya ducked, dodging a punch, and swing her scythe around her body before using it to cut the monster in half. She jumped back and looked up only to come face to face with a large blue fist. She managed to stand up straight so the punch wouldn't hit her face, but it still made contact with her stomach. She was sent flying in the air. A train ended up stopping her. She had broken through and crashed into the other side. Her eye widened when she saw a child running to her mother on the other side of the rubble while at the same time the Nomu came back for another attack. Saya used her body to shield the child. The monsters hand made contact with her back, but in the end she wasn't the one who was hurt.

Saya extended each vertebra of her spine into a spike that shot out of her skin making her resemble a porcupine. The Nomu's fist was stopped by the spikes and had large holes in his hand when he pulled it away.

"I've never seen this hero before. I wonder who he is." Saya looked up at the Nomu and used he scythe to cut him in half again and kick him out of the train. She looked back trying to find what she was looking for. When she spotted green she shouted in a deep voice.

"You. Kid! The one from U.A's sports festival and the old man next to you! Get these people to safety! Stay here" She ordered before free falling out of the train herself.

"No way. It couldn't be... but that red eye" Midoriya murmured.

"HUH! That was the Pillar Of Ten Weapons! What is he doing here?" The broccoli head yelled.

Saya curled herself up a bit and bent her knees as she used her calcaneus bone to create spikes on her feet. She dug her heels into the Nomu to cushion her fall.

"Hey! There's something over here!" A voice yelled. Saya perked up before carving a small note in the ground with her bone knife.


It regenerates. Hit it with everything at once.

With her note finished Saya jumped up onto the rooftops and began searching for her two main targets. Knowing how twisted they are, they must be watching from somewhere. But multiple parts of the city were being attacked. That could only mean they were up high so they can see everything. Saya cracked the bones in her neck before jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

She was going to find those bastards, and this time they weren't going to live.

While Saya was jumping from roof to roof she saw a familiar flash of silver. She stopped in her tracks when the figure came into view. It was Iida. He had just been sent flying back from a guy with a sword. Saya's eyes narrowed. She knew that man. He was the one who hurt... No. She didn't deserve to say his name. Since the Nomu's were here and this guy... Yeah, they had to be connected and Saya owed it to Iida to help after what she had done to his brother. Iida wasn't moving and his shoulder was bleeding. If nothing else she wanted to give him time to escape.

Saya jumped down from the roof and landed on Stain, but he had moved at last second causing her to hit the ground hard.

"Oh. A new challenger?" Stain questioned. Saya stood up straight and looked him right in the eye.

"Answer my questions and no one gets hurt" Saya hissed. Iida was still there so she had to mask her voice again.

"Oh? I recognize you. You're known as the Pillar Of Ten Weapons. A villain hunter with a glowing red eye. No one knows where you stand. A villain? Or a hero?" Stain mocked.

"I don't care for your games. Now, where is Shigaraki and Kurogiri? You're here with the Nomu's so you must know something. Spit it out" Saya hissed.

"I've always wondered what made you tick. Why you do what you do? Are you a selfless hero who wants to keep his identity hidden like one of those comic book hero's, or are you seeking revenge? Now that I finally meet you I can figure it out" Stain said. He lunged forwards with his knives ready to stab the mysterious person in front of him. Saya readied her own knives and held them out in front of her.

"Fine. If you want to play i'll play with you." Both knife wielders matched each other strike for strike. Not a single one of them able to land a hit. Saya finally had another chance, and her mind is clear. She will get what she wants, even if she has to kill for it.

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