Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and One For All

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Shigaraki, Kurogiri and the rest of the villains from the attack had warped with Bakugo as well, meaning they hadn't saved him yet. There's always more to every situation.

Saya's heart pounded in her chest like a million little Earthquakes. She stared at her hands with the same wrath she's had since the appearance for the man that had blasted away the heroes. Now that Saya could see him she was repulsed. He had a normal body with a plain black suit on, but his head was just one big, ugly ball of flesh with tubes attached to a black mask that outlined the indents where his mouth, nose, and eyes should be.

Yoayorozu had let go of Saya and brought her hands to her mouth to keep herself from vomiting, while Kirishima tried to take steady breaths. He was more terrified than he had ever been in his life. Not good.

"Ah, there you are" The man sang. With an animalistic growl Saya jumped up tot he roof, or what was left of it, of the building and changed direction so the others couldn't be found. While All Might made a beeline for the ugly potato, Saya had her sword out ready to critically injure those villains who stood in the way of her and Bakugo.

She didn't want to be caught by the man fighting All Might, All For One the blonde hero had called him, so she stayed in the shadows of the debris and moved as fast as she could. First target was the ugly guy with a striped mask. In one move Saya was able to get behind him and slice a large S in his back before disappearing behind a large fallen pillar from the building. He had shrieked and fell to his knees. He was out of commission, but now the others knew she was there. All but Shigaraki, he was too busy pleading to his Potato Master to even register anything around him.

All Might's punch landed and a large wave of backlash whipped Saya in the face and ripped through the area. The smoke began to spread out and that's when Saya became scared. A large area had nothing there. Just debris. How strong was this man? Even worse All Might had been shot back and All For One just wiggled his wrist like nothing happened. The blonde hero jumped on one leg then the next as if he was warming up, but Saya could see his muscles spasming and constricting. He seemed exhausted.

Saya could see Bakugo's expression clearly from where she was. He was shocked, angry, and even through he wouldn't say so himself, scared. She wanted to just reach out to him.

All Might attacked again, but this time it didn't even connect. Instead it was stopped just short by the raw power One For All was producing. This time the hero was shot back leaving a huge rift through the city. Whole building fell over and crashed to the ground. Saya's eyes widened as she heard the screams of civilians.

This was bigger than her, bigger than her class, bigger than the city, nd worst of bigger than All Might. Saya creeped deeper into the building before exiting the back and rejoining the others. They were all giving her either angry or disbelieving looks.

All For One turned to Kurogiri and from his fingers came black and red appendages. They stabbed into the mist man. Saya had only then realized he was there on the ground and unconscious.

His back arched at an inhuman angel and twitched. One of the villains, the magnet one who was attacking the Pussycats, ran forwards and began yelling something at All For One. That man was not lacking balls.

All Might had, thankfully, reappeared and struck All For One again. This time it connected and the Evil Potato sunk a few inches deeper into the ground, but was otherwise unaffected. The other villains began standing up and surrounding Bakugo. The magnet buy picked up the man she had attacked earlier while a blonde girl that could be no older then Saya grabbed a man with black hair and scars all over his body by his foot and began dragging him closer to the others. Patchwork raised his hand and smacked the girls hand from his ankle before standing up himself.

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