Hell Waterpark and... Cats?

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Saya didn't know how long she had been unconscious, but it couldn't have been long because the blood pooling around her was still warm. She gathered all of her strength and pushed herself up to her knees and then her feet. Instead of going through the whole building like last time Saya limped down the fire escape. Hero's had arrived and more slowly run up tot he scene to see what was goin on.

Every step was agony, but Saya pushed through. When she jumped the few feet from the fore escape she heard voices. It was Iida apologizing for getting the other two hurt. Saya looked up and her eyes widened. She lunged forwards to push Midoriya out of the way, but he was gone before she reached. Saya stumbled to the ground.

She had seen the Nomu coming from the corner of her eye, but just like last time. She was to slow and Midoriya was taken right in front of here eyes. Saro.

Saya knew it was wrong to hate Midoriya, but she couldn't help it. He was so much like her twin brother it hurt. It hurt anytime he did anything because it reminded her of Saro. Her beloved twin brother who died in front of her eyes because she wasn't able to move her legs. Every time she looked at him it reminds her just how badly she failed.

Saya ripped out the knife in her leg strap and stabbed it into the ground. With a yell she pulled herself forwards. She moved slowly, but surely. As she crawled forwards Stain managed to break from his bonds. He stabbed the Nomu. The three of them stumbled to the ground. She needed to move her leg Gosh dammit! Work! She yelled in her head. Suddenly it was like she was flying. Her body was lifted from the ground. Saya looked to her side to see two large spider-like legs coming from her back. She used those to propel herself forwards. She wrapped her body around Midoriya, like she did earlier for Iida. She screwed her eyes shut, but opened them when she didn't feel any pain. She heard murmurs coming from the hero's in front of her.

Her eye traveled to her side and saw Stain standing there frozen. He wasn't moving. Midoriya and Saya helped each other stand and then hurry to safety. She pulled away from her classmate and leaned against the wall for support. She inched forwards trying to get away from the whole mess.

"Hey you!" A deep voice yelled. It was Endeavor. All the hero's looked in the same direction as the flaming man.

"You're the Pillar Of Ten Weapons right?" He demanded. Saya pushed herself off of the wall and struggled for a second. Once she was sure she wasn't going to fall she straightened herself up.

"Why would you ask such an obvious question The flaming hero Endeavor?" She countered in an equally demanding and deep voice. This was bad. She was meant to stay in the shadows. She was to stay in the shadows, kill her families murderers and then disappear like nothing ever happened.

"I'm sure everyone here is thinking the same thing, so how about you humor us. I know you won't give away your name so easily after all you've done to stay hidden, but all of us deserve to know if you are a hero or a villain." Endeavor called.

"I am nothing but silence and vengeance. I do not harm unless it gets me closer to my goal." She said in an ice cold voice.

"and what is your goal exactly?" The pro asked. Saya hesitated, but decided to answer. Albeit vaguely.

"To kill the three men who took everything for me" Was her answer. With a shaky breath Saya began to walk away again, but stopped when she heard a familiar voice.

"Enji?" Saya stopped dead in her tracks. Her eye widened when she saw her master standing only feet away from the man who just interrogated her. That wasn't what made her stop though. It was the shock, pain, and desperation in her masters voice.

"Ah Aska Nui. I thought you retired" Endeavor turned to her. Saya's master looked like she wanted to say something but decided not to.

"It's a pleasure to see you after so long. Please excuse me I need to find my intern." She stilled her voice and turned around.

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now