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It was nighttime and Saya met everyone outside. Kirishima, Momo, Iida, and Todoroki were talking about Midoriya not coming when she stepped outside.

"What do you mean? Midoriya helped my down the stairs" Saya said. She yawned and rolled her neck and shoulder cracking just about everything she could. The males all paled while Momo stared down at her tracker.

There was some mushy talk for awhile before they all left. Saya brought her healed hand up to her face. She was hoping Kirishima had forgotten about her eye and what she did. only after Saya woke up did she realize she carved her message into Eye Hunter. With those two obvious signs anyone should be able to figure out who she is. The Pillar of Ten Weapons.

Kirishima noticed Saya hanging back slightly. She looked troubled. He wondered what was going through her head. He slowed his pace until he was in step with Saya.

"Hey Nakano. So about what happened at the summer camp..." Kirishima began. Saya shut him up by looking at him straight in the eye with an expression he couldn't quite describe. It was like she tried to keep a straight face but underneath it swirled shame, fear, sadness, guilt. Kirishima was so confused. Why did she feel all that? Yes, Bakugo is gone, but they're going to save him.

"You know don't you." She said flatly. Saya looked forwards refusing to meet Kirishima's pitying, prying eyes.

"Know what?"

"Don't play dumb. You're smarter than that" Saya shto back annoyed. Kirishima sighed.

"I was hoping we could wait to talk about that." Kirishima started.

"Will you turn me in? Expose me? Or try to help me like All Might did?" Saya questioned. Kirishima was mortified by the very idea. Not to mention angry that she would even think he would betray her. He knew nothing about her situation outside of what she told the class. He doesn't have enough details to feel anything about this.

"I would never-" Kirishima began. He looked over at Nakano to see tears gathering at her eyes.

"It seems like once I finally figured out what I wanted and started to make my life better, everything I had wanted before is coming back to haunt me. Y'know I only hunted villains so I could find my brothers killer. Once he was gone all I had left was revenge. I don't even know why i'm telling you this. I don't want your useless pity" Saya scoffed and sped up her pace.

She quickly began a conversation with Yoayorozu, Midoriya, and Iida about disquises before Kirishiima could get another word in. The red head sighed.

"I'm guessing you found out about her Ten Pillar identity" Todoroki said from beside Kirishima. He only nodded. He didn't have the heart to say anything. Then something hit him.

"How do you know?" Kiri asked. Todoroki watched Saya talk to their classmates for a second before answering Kirishima.

"It was after the sports festival. She had agreed to letting me stay the night to get away from the old man. I couldn't find her after the ceremony so I just headed to her house. When I got there I knocked an no one ansered. The door was unlocked so I let myself in. I found Nakano in the middle of her living room with everything in pices. She was unconsios on the floor and ocvered in cuts and bruises. I went to go get her first aid kit. I didn't know where anyhting was so I opened a few doors before I found the bathroom. One of them was a shrine dedicated to her family" Todoroki explained.

"And the other?" Kirishima wanted to know now. He ignored the pang of jealously in his chest. He felt like a terrible person for being jealous at a time like this. Nakano wasn't his.

"The other room was the work of a pure madman. She had an all black outfit in a closet, all types of weapons made from her bones hung on the wall, and in the middle of the room was a podium with bulletproof glass protecting a mask that woud cover the other side of her face we see. The worst part were the walls and floor though. The walls had newpapers, articles, sightings, post-its, pictures, and a few other things pinned up. The thing covered every inch of the wall, even overlapping in a few places. All of it was connected with strings. On the floor was a list of what I assumed to be every villain she ever hunted. They all had an X through them besides a Eye Hunter. The feeling I got in that room was so intense I couldn't stand to be in it for even a minute." Todoroki finished. Kirishima looked down. He couldn't even imagine it. What had she gone through to go to that length.

Of course. Her parents died and then she watched her brother die in front of her eyes all before she was 10 years old.

"Alright. This is where we'll get out disguises" Yoayorozu announced. They all marched in as a group. Saya looked through the store and picked out the cheapest things she could find. It was a force of habit for her.

I the end she got fishnet stalkings and a pair of green shorts with four zippers over each fake pocket. A black Erasure Head shirt was tucked into her shorts, blakc combat boots, and a leather jacket pulled the look together. Saya also made sure to grab a hat that had a picture of a middle finger sticking up on it and put it on backwards. Todoroki looked at her oddly and Saya just shrugged.

"Gift for Bakugo when we get him back" Saya fit in really well with the punk look everyone was going for. Yoayorozu looked like she was going to some party, but insisted that it was what punks wear. Midorya and Iida looked the part, kinda. Kirishima and Todoroki looked stupid.

Saya played with the weird things on Kirishima's head. As she pulled on them Saya noticed how soft Kirishima's hair was. She blushed and released Kirishima before walking away.

Kirishima looked at Todoroki.

"She hates me doesn't she?" Kirishima asked. Todoroki put his hand on the red heads shoulder and nodded, as to wish his good luck.


Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now