Endeavor Is A Dick

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Saya jumped out of her seat and raced towards the gates of the arena.

"What's the matter? Not gonna tell me to get lost?" Endeavor taunted. Saya once again his around the corner as father and son talked.

"You need to learn to control you left side. It's dangerous to release so much energy like that, but i'm glad you're finally seeing reason. Now that you've abandoned your childish rebellion we can get back to what's important. Once you graduate you will work by my side. I will lead you down the path of the mighty Shoto" The pro continued. Saya held back a snicker. Shoto was such a cute name in her opinion. Having it come from a big guy like Endeavor made her want to keel over in a fit of laughter.

"I haven't abandoned anything. You're a fool to think my feeling can so easily be reversed. Instead, out there, for that one moment I forgot all about you" Todoroki said cooly.

"you can say that was a... burn" Saya snickered to herself. Well at least that what she wanted to do. Instead she was rolling on the ground in a fit of giggles repeating her joke like it was comedy gold. The older male got angry and stomped away. Before he did though Saya collected herself.

"Oh Endeavy~ Do me a favor and give Todoroki some space. Please, for you and for me" Endeavor heard the hidden threat in Saya's tone.

"Fine. He's staying with you though" The big angry man said.

"W-wait" Saya stammered, but Endeavor was already gone.

"I can't believe he actually listened to you. More importantly, how do you know my father?" Todoroki sneered.

"Oh that? Me and Endeavor go way back. Let's see it's been two hours? Maybe three" Saya trailed off.

"Oh whatever. You're not actually going to stay at my house, are you?" Saya continued. She hadn't had anyone over in years. Not only that but her fridge was pretty much empty as well as her cabinets, she pretty sure half of her lightbulbs don't work because it's been so long since she's turned most of them on, and even though that room is locked it still wasn't concealed well enough.

"Actually, if you don't mind i'd like that. I also wanted to thank you" Spoke the half and half male.

"For what?" Saya tilted her head to the side and she widened her eye in wonder.

"for what you did earlier, and what you said to me. It really made me think. If you hadn't said that Midoriya's words wouldn't have reached me and I never would've been able to forget about him." Todoroki scratched the back of his head and a small blush made it's way to his face. Saya quickly accepted it and then watched as Todoroki walked away from her.

"Oh and Todoroki, would you give me a little time before you come over? I haven't had people over in years and my fridge is practically empty" Saya said. She knocked on her head lightly to show her forgetfulness. Todoroki nodded and continued walking away.

Saya decided to stay in the waiting room while Iida and vine head went at it in the ring. She was wringing her hands like they were soaked towels. She needed to hide that room. Her safest bet would be to put the fake paneling she had. When she built the room she needed to remove that part of the wall, but how could she make it look like it belonged there. If it was anyone else, or even if he came for a small time, Saya wouldn't have to go to such lengths. But Todoroki was smart, and a tad bit to nosy. If he found anything out of place he would want to inspect it.

The cheering coming from outside told Saya that the match was over. It was her turn now. She was up against Tokoyami. She had overheard something he said about light being his weakness, but just because she knows that doesn't mean she can just turn the lights on higher.

Saya took a deep breath as she entered the ring. Tokoyami said something nice, but she didn't here. Right as Midnight announced the start of the match Saya zoomed forwards and out of the way of dark shadows path. The shadow bird missed Saya, but soon enough was back on her trail.

Their fight was dragged out for a bit until both of them are panting.

"You can't dodge forever Nakano, and you're almost out of bullets. Give in now and I wont hurt you" Tokoyami said while wiping his sweat from his forehead.

"don't be so sure" Saya smirked. She moved faster than Tokoyami's eye could catch and in less than an instant all of the bullets she shot were up in the air. The suns light reflected off of each one. Every bullet sent a harsh light towards Tokoyami. Him and dark shadow both flinched and protected their faces.

The bullets soon fell to the ground, but that gave Saya just enough time to get close to Tokoyami. She gripped his arm and threw him over her shoulder. Tokoyami was shorter than her so it wasn't a very difficult throw. The raven boy got up and dark shadow appeared again.

"Tokoyami is out of bounds. Nakano is the winner" Midnight declared. Tokoyami looked down to see his feet out of the ring.

"using my own strategy against me. It was a risky move, especially if I was able to tell what you were doing. Well played Nakano" Tokoyami accepted his defeat and walked out of the ring like a champ.

Saya stood in the middle of the ring and held her hands to her chest and balled them into fists. She copied Kirishima's expression.

"That was so manly" she said proudly before walking out of the arena.

"What is up with your class Erasure Head. They are crazy strong and just plane crazy" Present Mic announced. Aizawa leaned down into the mic.

"You all better step up your game. Nakano just gave me sleeping bag with legs. She's number one in terms of grades, clumsiness, and now my generous student list" Aizawa said.

"you hear that folks! Aizawa actually likes one of his students. We should watch that girl. She's something special of she can make this dead mans heart beat again" Present Mic yelled.

"What did you just sa-"

"And now for the next match" Present Mic interrupted Aizawa. The dark haired male just stared at his colleague and sighed.

"Why did I get out of bed this morning?"

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