Workout From Hell

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The next day everyone was ready and waiting at the train station. With a few words from Aizawa and the okay to go board their trains everyone in class 1A was off. Except for Saya and Shinso. They stood behind Nui watching as everyone else scattered. The woman then turned around to face the two high school students.

"Right. Let's go. We will be headed to Honshu. Shinso, you will ride the train with me. Brat your training starts now. Get there before us without being seen. We will rendezvous  at the north entrance of Shirakami forest." Master said before walking away. Saya sighed and looked down at her school bag and then her hero costume. She knew what her master wanted. Walking into the bathroom stall Saya opened her school bag and stared down at it's contents. It was her hunting costume. She slipped it on with the exception of the mask and left the hood down.

She quickly scaled the side of the station and landed on the roof silently. The train to Honshu would be leaving in 20 minutes. It would take 3 hours to get there by train and 8 hours by foot. What as she getting herself into?

It was early morning, so it'll be hard to stay hidden. As long as she stayed above the rooftops she would most likely be fine. Saya used her bones to make a grappling hook and some stiff wire. She swung the grappling hook around a few times ad threw it. Not waiting for it to land, Saya jumped off the roof and used the wire to pull herself to the hook. She kept going at it for three and a half hours.

Saya collapsed to her knees as she fell to the ground panting and sweating from using her quirk for so long. She hadn't needed to use it for over thirty minutes in years, so she was already exhausted.

"You got here three seconds before we did. Not good enough." Nui criticized. She then turned to Shinso and spoke.

"you're training will be different from this brats. I'm going to send you to purgatory, or most commonly known as hell. Your job is to try and use your quirk on Luci. Sorry, I meant Lucifer or Satan. You have the whole week. Good luck" Nui smiled and let out a breath of smoke. She had an old fashioned smoking pipe in her hand. Saya hadn't noticed until then. By exhaling smoke she can expand the reach of her quirk.

Shinso collapsed, but Saya caught him before he hit the ground. She picked up the boy and set him in a comfortable position on her back.

"As for you brat, we'll be doing double the work you did as a child, and I will be giving you targets to hunt." Saya's master addressed her. She nodded as Nui took off into the forest. The woman had a cabin in the woods here. Saya took off after her master trying to match her speed. She failed miserably.

"as a warmup give me 1,000 Aztec pushups on two bamboo shoots, a 10 mile run on your feet, and hold a planche plank for 3 hours. It's half past 9. I want you done before a quarter to 4." Saya's master told her. Saya shivered remembering when she had to do this before.

"Oh and after that a friend of mine asked me for some help. We'll be heading over to the hospital in Hosu at 5 in two days. I'll give you 10 minutes to wash up at the waterfall before we leave" Nui said walking away. With a deep breath Saya got to work.

First were the Aztec pushups. She propped up her feet on one bamboo shoot and her hands on one that was about her body length away from the other one. Saya jumped up and stuck her butt up allowing her to touch her toes before flattening back out and landing back on the two shoots. Saya wobbled and yelped when her foot missed. Her face dug into the dirt. She stood up and wiped the blood from her nose. She got back up and did the next one. She wobbled, but caught herself before she could fall.

"1 down 999 to go" She said to herself sarcastically. After doing a few more wobbly ones and falling a few more times Saya managed to find her center of gravity again. She finished all 1,000 of them in about 2 hours. It was already 11:30. Her body was covered in sweat and her stomach, arm, leg, and back muscles were aching and spasming. Her throat was burning and begging for water to replace what she had lost through sweating.

Next was the ten mine run. Her master told her to use only her feet. Saya let out a sigh. At least she didn't have to run on her hands after what she just had to do. She wasn't sure her arms would move at all. Gathering all of her strength she shed her black jacket and thigh highs leaving her in only a pair of tight shorts, her chest binding and her black gym shoes. Saya pulled her hair and tied it into a messy bun before taking off.

Saya could do it in less than an hour. If she can keep pace with finishing each mile in 5 minutes it would take her 50 minutes to run 10. Here's to hoping she can keep pace when her legs already feel like jelly.

Only an hour later Saya was back in the same spot she started. It had taken her twenty minutes longer then she expected, but that meant she had just enough time to get her plank done with a few minutes to spare. It was five past one already meaning she would have 40 extra minutes.

Saya got down into a plank position in the dirt and then lifted her whole body off the ground a foot or two off the ground. She kept her arms at a 90 degree angle. Now she just needed to stay like that for three hours.


With Shinso

It was hot. Like really hot. Shinso had shed his shirt and was walking around the rocky terrain in worn out shoes. God, he hated that woman.

"Did I just hear the words God?" A devious voice came from behind Shinso. The persons breath tickled his neck. Shinso quickly turned around only to come fact to face with... Satan?

In front of the lavender haired boy stood a man that looked to be only a few years older than himself. He had long black hair with flowy bangs that framed his sharp jawline perfectly. His eyes were a hazy white with a red pupil. Two black horns grew from his head and twisted back into a spiral shape. Under his horns were pointy ears. A cross that had sharp edges adorned his right ear. He was wearing a skin tight muscle shirt with no sleeves that climbed up to the middle of his neck. Red jewels and gold adorned his shirt. Loose red sleeves hung from him arms, held there by gold armbands. As for the bottom he was wearing tight leather pants that tucked into black heeled ankle boots. More gold chains hung from the waist of the mans pants.

Shinso took an audible gulp when the man smirked in amusement revealing his sharp teeth. They were similar to Kirishima's only his canines were longer reminding the lavender haired boy of a vampire.

"Hello young one. I'm Lucifer Morningstar." He introduced leaning forwards a bit so his face came in close to Shinso's.

"What? Does the little lamb not speak?" He mocked in amusement. Shinso stared straight at the man and spoke.

"I'm questioning my sexuality" He blurted out.

And that is how Shinso met Lucifer.

(Props to anyone who gets the few references in this chapter! Comment if you do!)

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