Let's Make A Deal

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It was finally the day of the sports festival. All the first years were called to the school early so they didn't get stuck in the crowd of media. When Saya got there she was told to change into her gym uniforms. Saya honestly didn't care what she wore, as long as she didn't stand out to much it was fine. Her goal was never to become a pro hero, but to kill the people who have wronged her. It wouldn't be wrong to say she thought like a villain, or didn't belong there. Stupid formalities like this festival would only ruin her chances of staying in the dark.

She had even argued that she shouldn't participate, but All Might and the principal didn't give her a choice. Saya planned on just failing the preliminaries.

Saya was standing in classroom 1A. The rest of her classmates were down in the waiting area. she took deep breaths.

"why am I even here? Why did I take All Mights hand that day. This sports festival will only reveal my identity and show the world my quirk. This is a lose-lose situation for me" Saya sighed to herself. In truth she was tired. More tired and confused then ever.

What was she doing?

"So you plan to just quit when everyone else in class 1A is trying their best?" Came a deep voice from behind Saya.

"but, i'm tired~" She whined in her pouty voice.

"Cut the crap. Stop pretending and hold a normal conversation with me" Aizawa scolded. Saya sighed and stood up straighter. Her whole demeanor changed. Her body was strong and deadly, her eye like a raging fire, her posture lethal. Her very essence was like a knife. Lean, beautiful, deadly, a killer.

"Fine Aizawa. What would you like to talk about?" She said cooly.

"I know who you are" Saya's eye narrowed at the mans words.

"I saw your eye when you were in the hospital, and I asked All Might to confirm my suspicions. What is one of the most notorious hero - or villain for all I know- doing in U.A.'s hero course, Pillar of Ten Weapons?" He asked. His voice was threatening, demanding an answer.

"didn't that lying bastard tell you? He found me when I was hunting and he demanded I go to U.A. Some crap about helping me." Saya crossed her arms as she spoke. This was pointless.

"Why do you hunt anyways?" Aizawa asked yet another question.

"Take a guess" Saya shot back. Aizawa sighed. He wasn't getting anything from the girl in front of him.

"Fine. How about we make a deal. If you win the sports festival I'll keep your secret, but if you don't you will be expelled immediately." Aizawa offered.

"I have no reason to be in this school. You're losing either way buddy." Saya said.

"I wasn't finished. If you do lose you need to answer any question I ask you. No lying. Once you do that i'll decide if I should kick you out or not" Aizawa finished. Saya's eye narrowed.

"What would you gain from revealing my identity?" Saya asked.

"Nothing really. The question is what would you lose?" Saya scowled at her teacher.

"If I win I get to leave to school and I stay a complete secret. I lose you can do whatever you want regarding my presence in this school, and you get one question with an honest and complete answer" Saya negotiated. Aizawa nodded; agreeing to the deal.

"EVERYONE. GET YOUR GAME FACE ON. WE START IN FIVE MINUTES!" Iida yelled. Saya walked past Aizawa making sure to clip his shoulder on the way out.

Saya and everyone other first year gathered in the center of the arena. The stans were packed. All she could think about as how tired she was.

Midnight began talking, but Saya wasn't paying attention. She was going over her plan.

Aizawa was able to get her gun holsters and her thigh straps allowance form In last minute. She had two pistols, fully loaded and some ammo packed away, as well as three daggers. She would only rely on her physical abilities if she could help it. Unless it was life or death her quirk stay hidden. She made sure to tell Aizawa that when she found out he was one of the announcers.

"And now a word from our first year with the second highest scores. Katsuki Bakugo" Midnight announced. Bakugo lazily walked up to the stage; his hands tucked away in his pockets.

"Just know I'm going to win" he said before stepping down.

Saya must've dozed off because next thing she knew she was being shook awake by Mina and pushed towards a large gate.

The three lights went off and then a buzzer. Saya needed to be smart about this. There was no advantage to coming in first in the preliminary round unless she wants people gunning for her -which is a no. As long as she stayed working the first 40 or so she was fine.

Saya immediately jumped above the rest once she saw a few of her classmates get ahead. Instead of being stuck in the crowd, Saya jumped from wall to wall until she was above the stampede and running along the wall. But...

She ended up falling asleep as she ran. Her nose bubble popped and she tiredly looked ahead.

Once she saw the exit, Saya took a leap so she could her ahead of the crowd. Once they have more room more people could push ahead of her.

Saya prediction was true. Right as they broke free of the doorway a few more if her classmates got ahead, but her feet ended up landing on ice as not ground.

"AhaH!" Saya yelled as she fell. She sat up and rubbed her head before sliding along the ice making it look like she was off balance and kept falling. Well it wasn't all fake. She was to tired to even keep her eye open. She groaned and continued the race at a slow pace.

In reality keeping her center of balance on ice was easy, but instead of doing that she could fall and propel herself forwards without anyone noticing and staying true to her character she's projecting to her classmates.

"I just want to sleep~" she yawned.

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now