The Mighty Fall

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With Bakugo now in hand the six of them disappered into the crowd. They didn't want to get in All Might's way so they left. It was for the best, they couldn't have done anything more then wheat they ahd done. They had saved Bakugo and took the pressure of keeping the boy safe off of the pro heroes shoulders, but was that enough?

Saya could hear loud explosions in the distance and the televisions began broadcasting the fight between All Might and One For All. They all stopped to watch. Saya grunted and pressed down on her wound. She was transfered from Todoroki's shoulders to Kirishima's back while they were getting away. She insisted she was fine, but Bakugo wouldn't have any of it.

With a heavy sigh the female took in her condition. Not only had the injuried she sustained from yesturday from camp still present and soar, but now she had a stab wound on her side, and even worse she used her full speed while fighting back there. It always took a toll on her body even when it was fully healed, and the outcome was positive, but she couldn't feel her legs and her knees were already staring to bruise badly.

It would've been hard to blend in wit a ripped shirt that was more a crop top then a shirt at this point, ripped jean shorts, fishnet stalking with huge holes in them, and her mismatching eyes open for everyone to see. Thankfully everyone was to busy staring at the screen to notice their condition.

The crowd let out a collective gasp drawing the females attention back to the screen. All Mights fist was buried in Evil Potatoes face. The pro hero himself, oddly and scarily enough, wasn't smiling...

He was a weak, boney, skinny man with sunken in eyes and an oversized costume hanging off of his shoulders. Saya brought her hands to her mouth trying to supress the sobs that came from her.

All For One sent a huge blast his way, and all he was able to do was power up his arm to block it. The pro heroes stayed back or grabbed the other injured pros. Edgeshot and Endeavor began attacking One For All while All Might stood and watched.

Another large blast sent all the heroes flying as it came down on All Might. In return he punched at the sky, the two attacks meeting half way. They both pushed past the other. As the dust settled Saya watched as All For One plummeted to the ground and All Mights power disappeared.

The crowd cheered and pleaded for All Might. Begging him to take down All For One. Midoriya, Kirishima, Iida, Yoayorozu, and even Bakugo begged for him to win. They don't want to have to admit that there is a villain stronger then the #1 Hero, the Symbol of Peace. It was selfish, but Saya felt the same. What would happen if there was someone stronger then the strongest hero? All scenarios ended in disaster and chaos.

Sure, she hadn't interacted with him much, or even really thought about him. A few months agao all he was to her was the man tha ruined her plans to take revenge, but now, now, he was more then that. He was the smiling face that cheers her on, the man who had saved her, cared about her, helped her in her classes, a figure of responisbility and kindness. He was a simple man who cared too much about eveyone, but that is what makes him such a good hero. He was the man that gave her the opportunity to grow, the man who saw her potential and didn't question that she was good. He always belived her even if he had no proof. He was what she modeled her personality to be like, and even if it was fake she enjoyed the way the people around her reacted to her.

For one last time All Might trandformed completely and held up his fist in the air. Sadly it didn't last long before he endd up coughing up blood. Steam surrounded him as he shrunk into his new permanant state.

The sun had finally risen and the pro heroes were cleaning up what they could while All Might stayed in place.

Lifting his weak, shaking arm the hero pointed at the camera's. Saya couldn't bare to watch, so she looked to the side. Everyone cried of happiness, but not Midoriya. He seemed to know something they didn't. He broke down in tears, his reaction was depressing. Saya had felt the same despite the others around her feeling happy and relieved.

"C'mon" Bakugo hissed. Kirishima bounced Saya up a bit and readjusted her before follwoing after the blond with Yoayorozu, Iida, and Todoroki trailing behind them. Saya looked back as Midoriya slouched and cried harder as he followed the rest of them in the very back.

Kirishima had put her down and they all returned home, while Saya went back to the hospital. Although the morning had come and a new sun had risen, it was hard to forget what had happened that faithful night.

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant