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The two of them danced together. Saya's scythe and Stains blades. Iida was still laying on the ground. C'mon why won't he move!? Run! Saya screamed at him in her head. That one second was enough for Stain to land a blow, cutting part of Saya's mask, but not breaking it. Saya jumped back and looked around. There was another person injured and bleeding in the alleyway. She looked back and forth between them before running at Stain again. She couldn't save them both.

No. She promised to herself she would never let anyone die again. She slid in between Stains legs and reached for the other guy.

"I can't move. Run. Save yourself and the boy." He rasped. Saya stayed silent as she turned around and skidded with the man's costume in her hand. She was dragging him by his collar.

"I'm sorry." She whispered before jumping from wall to wall until she was on the roof. She laid the man down and ripped his clothes to make a bandage for him.

"So he saves the fake pro and leaves the boy. He's no hero" Stain murmured walking to Iida. Saya's eye widened. No, he couldn't let Mr. Iida lose both of his sons. She adandoned the pro without completely tending to his wounds. She barreled off of the roof with her feet balanced on the inside of the scythe.

"I won't let you hurt him!" She screamed, not caring if Iida recognized her voice. She ripped the scythe out from under herself and twirled it around her body. She let go of the scythe at last minute. Letting it fly towards Stain while she used her own body to shield Iida from the blade to his chest.

Her mouth opened in a soundless scream as the katana tore through her body. In through her back out through her stomach. Saya threw her head down and bared her teeth. Blood dripped from her mouth onto Iida's armor. The blade went through her body and was slowed down enough that it didn't pierce Iida's armor.

She connected her eye with Iida's widened ones.

"You protected me... Why? I'm no hero. I let my desire for revenge take over and I used my quirk for myself!" Iida yelled. Why did someone noble like The Pillar Of Ten Weapons throw away their life for someone like him?

Saya lifted her hand to Iida's face and wiped away the blood that had fallen on his cheeks.

"I couldn't help Tensei. I'm sorry" She whispered. With a long inhale Saya pushed her body up, in doing so making her body go closer to the hilt of the sword. A loud yell passed her lips as she moved. When she was back on her knees she stumbled a few times before spreading out her feet so she could balance.

"Are you gonna want this back, or can I keep it?" Saya asked motioning to the katana in her stomach. When stain said nothing she shrugged and murmured something about it being hers now.

"I may not be a hero. I may live my life for revenge, but that doesn't mean I can't save anyone along the way" Saya said. Determination was laced in her voice. She was finally able to stand still. She hobbled forwards and picked up her scythe.

"Pillar number 5. Halberd. Final form" Saya said in an even tone. The Halberd was a weapon she didn't use often because it took time to make like all of her other longer weapons, but since she had the scythe already out she just reshaped it in to a halberd. Normally she keeps her weapons simple because it always seemed most practical, but on rare occasions that she engages in battle with someone as skilled as Stain she prepares more advanced weapons.

The pure white scythe began to crack and move around until it formed her fifth pillar. The blade was a bit larger then her normal halberd, and in the back she added three large spikes. What Stain doesn't know is that they weren't just normal spikes, but he'll find out why soon enough.

Saya lurched forwards with the katana still stuck in her. She lead with her knee and let her weapon trail behind her. She set her leading foot back on the ground and used her momentum to swing the large blade at the Hero Killer. He jumped back, making Saya smirk. She let her body fall forwards allowing the blade to follow the villain. She ended up getting a good slash to his side.

Gripping her stomach Saya took a deep breath in an attempt to expel some of the pain. She straightened herself up. A rather large amount of blood spilled from her stomach onto the ground. Stain smirked seeing his prey so close to dying. Saya coughed and fell to her knee. She dropped her weapon hand to the ground to try and steady herself. She looked up hazily and tried to focus her vision on the villain in front of her.

"SMASH!" came a familiar voice. It was Midoriya. He slid back after he hit Stain. Saya managed to get herself back on her feet. She stepped next to the green haired boy hunched over a bit. She gripped his shoulder to keep herself upright.

"Hey kid, mind pulling this out for me?" She asked masking her voice once again. Midoriya freaked out for a second. Saya yelled at him to pull it out and in a panic he did as he was told.

Saya's whole body was shaking as she put her hand over her stomach. She was panting heavily as Midoriya burst forwards engaging the Hero Killer. She hobbled to Iida's side and fell to her knees. She reached towards her hip and pulled out part of her bone. She shaped it into a flat oval looking thing with four small spikes.

"This might hurt a bit, but it should stop the bleeding somewhat." Saya told the boy. She set the spikes above his skin and waited for the boy to give her the okay before she pushed down. He clenched his teeth when he felt the small needles dig into his skin. She once again laid her hand atop of the bone bandage she made. Saya activated her quirk again and made the bone press against his skin so not a drop of blood would spill.

"You ca fight again with this, but it won't last forever" She told him. Suddenly her phone dinged and her eyes widened. It was their location. Midoriya sent it.

"crap" She hissed under he breath. She couldn't risk being seen by anyone else. Saya used all of her strength to stand up. She leaned against the brick wall and walked out of the alleyway. She knew what she had to do.

Saya felt a chill just as she turned the corner. A smirk found it's way to her face. Todoroki.

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now