Hide and Seek

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Saya made her way through the vents to find her first victim. She had a plan. She would slowly take out each of her other hiders, but that wasn't it. She was only going to reveal them when one of her classmates with a simpler quirk was nearby, so they get the points instead of someone like Bakugo or Todoroki. The only gamble would be Jiro's earphone jack. It might be able to pick up her sound if she isn't careful.

Shaking her head Saya focused on her first victim. Mineta. He was stuck to one of the vents on the ceiling like Saya thought. She smirked, as she saw Kirishima walk by. This was perfect. His quirk was hardening, but he can't keep it turned on for a long time, whereas Saya's quirk was made for drawn out fights.

Saya got close to the vent Mineta was stuck to, but made sure to stay in the shadows.

"Is that a picture of all the girls in our class in bikini's in Kirishima's pocket?" She whispered from the vent. She made sure to change her voice a bit so it sounded more like Higakure's. Mineta's eyes widened when he heard her words. He unstuck himself from the ceiling and began shouting at the red head to give him the pictures.

"Mineta had been found by Kirishima." Aizawa announced. One down eight to go.

The next person she found was Mina. Saya felt kind of bad taking her friend out this early in the game, but no hard feeling right? Right. Again Saya was correct in assuming that her friend would hide behind something. Mina had hidden herself on the third level behind a large wooden changing wall. This time Jiro was in the room. Saya gently blew on Mina's nose from the vents. The pink girl sneezed allowing Jiro to find her.

"Mina has been found by Jiro" Aizawa announced. A short while had passed and Saya had finally made her way to the kitchen.

"Kota was found by Midoriya. Higakure was found by Todoroki." Aizawa announced. Saya had a pretty good idea of how Todoroki was finding people so fast. He would freeze only the room he walked into and then looked for someone's breath. He would then melt the ice as he walked out so no one else could find a classmate if one of the switched hiding places.

"I know there's someone in the vents! Come out you coward!" Bakugo yelled. Saya could hear his voice coming from the basement all the way from the second floor.

"Shoji had been found by Bakugo" Dammit. They were finding people faster than she had thought.

"Sato has been found by Todoroki. Aoyama has been found by Bakugo" That meant there was only Sero and herself left. Suddenly a loud noise and shaking came from somewhere below Saya.

"I know you're in there Nakano! Don't think because your master is here you'll win" Bakugo yelled.

"Sero has been found by Bakugo. The fifteen minute timer has begun. Midoriya, Jiro, and Kirishima are all tied with one find, while Todoroki and Bakugo are tied for three finds. The other finders need to come to the observation room" Aizawa announced. Oh crap.

Saya closed her eyes and used a skill she hasn't used in awhile. She took a deep breath and let herself feel the aura's of her other classmates. Midoriya and Jiro were on opposite sides of the third floor, where Saya was. Kirishima and Bakugo were only a few rooms away from each other on the first floor, while Todoroki was by himself in the basement. He was touching the vents... Shit.

Saya kicked open the vent she was in and dropped to the floor, using a roll to muffle the sound just before Todoroki's ice covered where she was. The floor creaked and Saya quickly hid herself behind a door. When Jiro was close enough Saya reached out and grabbed Jiro, silencing her with a smack to the head with the butt of her bone pistol. She had brought it with her today, and she was very glad she did, but the gun would make to much noise. Saya could almost hear her Master yelling at her. She shivered involuntarily at the thought.

Pillar Of Ten Weapons: My Hero Academia story (Unedited) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt