Training Camp

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The next morning was... hectic. Everyone in class 1A besides Saya was up and awake. When the pussy cats didn't see the white haired girl they asked. Mina had explained that she needed her sleep and it would be dangerous to wake her up for training, but the buff man cat didn't listen.

Within a few seconds a girly scream came from the cabin and the man cat came running out crying. Aizawa then went in next. He had a creepy smirk as he opened the door and turned on his phone. Somehow he managed to her her up and ready.

Mina had a feeling she knew who was on the phone.

After everyone was told their what their exercises were they all split up. Saya stayed still.

"What do you mean 'make things other then weapons with my quirk'? That's all I can do!" Saya said loudly.

"I want you to make objects from your bones. If you can heal your bones that means your quirk isn't just focused on weapon making" The brown haired cat explained. Saya clicked her tongue before walking away. She knew how to heal her own bones and make weapons using her quirk, but could she really be able to make anything else.

Saya sat down in the middle of a small field a ways away from the camp. She could still hear Bakugo's explosions, but not much else. The broom sedge was short and softer than most others like it. It's gold color matched that of the wheat growing amongst it. Small purple and pink wildflowers added dashes of colors to the golden scenery.

With a silent sigh Saya closed her eyes. She saw Saro's smiling face and smiled her herself. A loud crack made her open her eyes. Her body felt kind of... Weird. She looked don in her hands. Her eyes widened in shock and she inhaled sharply.

In her hands was a miniature, toy sized, round bird cage with only a simple rod in the middle and a white nightingale bird statue resting on it. Her eyes sparked as a beaming smile appeared on her face.

She got up and hopped around, throwing her fists in the air in victory. She did it!!!!! It was the same as making a weapon. A small crack made Saya stop in place. She looked back towards the bird cage just as it splintered and shattered into pieces. Saya sulked and sat down in front of it.

Taking a deep breath she pulled her blue training jacket off before placing it next to herself on the ground. She settled her hands in her lap and calmed herself down. All of her concentration was towards willing the bones to move and shape inside of her. She could feel her skin part and close again just as something cold fell into her hands. Saya smiled knowing what it was already.

It was the mobile that was hung above her and Saro's crib when they were born. Even as they got into their toddler years they loved to bat at it like a cat. Instead of the reflective stars the original one had, the charms were made of white bone that almost seemed to glow in the sun light. Saya placed the toy on her clothes and laid back in the grass.

She closed her eyes and let the breeze was over her. Needing sleep after using her quirk was her main drawback, but that's not after she's used it to make a bunch of things. So why was she feeling so exhausted all of a sudden.

Cracking her eyes open Saya let herself relish in the nature around her. She looked around and when she found no one decided to take off her mask. It had been so long since she's taken it off anywhere, but her room before she sleeps. It was nice feeling fresh air on her bare face.

Overhead she watched at the birds soared through the sky.

"I'VE GOT AN IDEA!!!!" Saya screamed. She stopped and sighed. She was becoming an idiot like Kaminari more and more everyday.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT KAMINARI!" She screamed. Somewhere else Kaminari looked around. He could've he heard someone. He sneezed and electrocuted himself. He turned around with his dumb face and his thumbs up.

"Yee Yee! Yee Yee! (Someone must be talking about me)"

Back to Saya AKA our little ball of bullets (what forth wall?)

Saya stood in the middle of the field slightly hunched over like she was trying to poop. Her hands were set in front of her in a determined pose, fists clenched and everything. Now most people would ask what she was doing to which she would reply with 'shut up! I'm trying to fly!'.

One at a time Saya was shifting the bones around in her body, fusing her them together, and reshaping them. By the time she was done there were weird bumps all over her back. Her bones were pushing against her skin. She was panting and beads of sweat dripped off of her chin and elbows. Using her jacket Saya wiped the sweat from her face.

She concentrated as hard as she could. Bones shot from her back and Saya had to bear her teeth against the pain. Her body won't be able to close that wound easily. It was her first time doing something like that. It would take time for her to condition her body so the skin can closed just like every other time.

Saya looked back at the white wings on her back. They were slightly bloody making it look like she was some monster. She would definitely have to worn on that. Using her quirk, Saya gave her wings a few experimental flaps. They worked fine.

With a small smirk Saya jumped up in the air and let her wings dot he work...

Three hours later Saya was on the ground covered in dirt, bruises, small cuts, and even more sweat then before. Gah!!! Why wouldn't they work?! She could hear Saro laughing at her from wherever the heck he was. She looked up angrily.

"Shut up idiot. Flying is hard!" She yelled at her brother. Saya didn't know where he was, but he sure as hell heard her.

It was beginning to get dark outside so Saya let her wings crumble and turn into dust before heading back to the camp sight. She helped everyone cook and dinner turned out amazing. She even learned that Katsuki was good with knives. She liked a man that could put her out of her misery.

As the class talked and ate Saya found a spot near Uraraka and Yoayorozu. She greeted them before looking up them in thought.

"Hey Uraraka, how does it feel like to fly. And Yoayorozu, what would make a pair of wings functional?" The two females looked at the white haired girl in question, while she smirked.

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