❝Mommy, Am I beautiful?❞

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Chapter 44


up a couple minutes later, I stand up, using the walls to help me keep my balance up. I'm so dizzy that I almost fall back down.

Checking myself in the mirror, I see that my face has dried tears but other than that, you can't really tell, what had taken place here.

I look no different from I did before. Turning on the water from the sink, I splash my face with freezing cold water and attempt to rid my face of those tears.

The crucial pain that I was in before, is completely gone. Like it was never there. But my stomach still feels a bit strange, possibly from throwing up the food that was in it.

I wait a few minutes, just to make sure that no one knows what had taken place here, not that anyone would even notice.

Zelena and Sammy are so busy at picking out dresses and arguing that I could fall dead on the floor and they wouldn't notice it, not for a while, at least.

Eventually, I would be found. But I would be everything that I have, which is not much that if someone were to find me, it would be Damien.

Taking a few deep breaths, I'm finally ready to step outside the bathroom. Not knowing what will be welcomed my way.

Would they throw another dress my way and force me back in here or would they be arguing and not even noticed that I had stepped out or would they agree with the one I have on?

I don't know why I threw up before, but somehow it makes me feel beautiful. Getting rid of very thing that is making me grow fat.

That's the only downside of food, it makes you fat and I absolutely hate it. My stomach makes me sick sometimes, and the fat that is growing on there is making me want to stop eating.

However, eating makes everyone happy. I can always see their happy faces when I eat something, I don't want them to be sad 'cause of me.

I wonder, how I can even fit into all of those dresses with all that fat on my bones. It makes me look at myself in disgust of how it looks.

Some dresses are good at hiding the fat, but if I grow fatter, that will not be possible and I will hate when that day comes.

With a one look at myself in the mirror, I go to the door and open it. Waiting for approval or disapproval from the one that torture me into doing this.


"Sweetie, come here!"

Mommy cries, tears are running down her cheeks. I don't want mommy to be sad. I run over to mommy and hug her.

Broken ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora