❝Written On The Sky❞

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Chapter 29


fireworks are so loud. The noise booms all over the place as everyone in the town are lighting up those bombs.

In every direction I look all I can see are fireworks, even on the ground, some things are meant to explode on the ground.

The lights nearly blind my eyes just by looking up into the once beautiful sky. The clouds have turned gray from the smoke coming out of the fireworks.

The lights are a bit beautiful, however it's the noise I can't stand. I can't even hear my own breath or words. All I can hear is the loud bombing of the fireworks.

"Little kitty kat can't handle it. She is a cat indeed!"

Cindy has made it her mission to torture me with fireworks. The slut gang came together to spend their evening with me. They get the must fun out of it.

Emily, Olivia and Blair have tied me to a tree in the park. My hands and my legs tied up and then my whole body top the tree. It's impossible to get out.

She laughs at her own comment and the others do as she does. The smirk plastered on her face haunts my nightmares.

"You wouldn't know how a cat acted, you've never had one. And, if you've come in contact with one, I bet it nearly scratched your eyes out. That may be the reason why you look so ugly!"

Her smirk fell right off her face when those words leave my mouth. She had not expected to hear me say those words, or anything at all.

Emily can't help but snicker at my comeback but is quick to shut her mouth when she realizes what she had done.

Cindy who looks furious turns around to look at Emily and she cowers in fear of the look she gave her. When she turns to look back at me, all I can see is pure hatred in her glaring eyes.

Then an wicked grin makes it way onto her face and I can already tell that she is planning something big for me and not counting the fireworks that she plans to set on fire in my ears.

"You little bitch, you think yourself better than me. I am the queen of this town and if you think you can say anything you want to me, then you're wrong. At midnight, my boyfriend and going to kiss as tradition. Then we will hit the bed, if you know what I mean!"

The smirk on her face only grows wider by each words she speaks. A hint of worry comes across my face, I quickly I hide it. She feeds of my fear.

"You shall never get a kiss on a New Year's Eve. Ever, I'll make sure of that. As for your punishment, you get to stay her until I say you can be released. Anyone can come at anytime and do whatever they want with you and you can't do anything about it. Enjoy!"

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