❝Frightening Thunder❞

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Chapter 33


my eyes open when something wet splashes on my face. My eyes are met with the sky, only this time there aren't any stars and the moon is no where to be seen.

Instead dark and gloomy clouds have made their appearance and with them the raindrops that fall one after another.

Each time a drop fall the rain increases, eventually turning into a heavy rain with no mercy of what it soaks.

When the cold heavy rain hits my skin, shivers run down my spine and I find myself cuddling closer to Damien for warmth.

For some strange reason, he doesn't feel cold. His skin is warm, almost hot. As if the cold water from the rain and the cold air doesn't affect him.

He doesn't wake up by the rain striking him, I find it weird that he can sleep through this. The raindrops aren't being merciful on us.

Each time the hard drops touches my cold body hurts, pain travels all over my body.

As I was about to close my eyes and sleep again, a bolt of thunder strikes and my body jumps up from fright.

My body begins to shake, the thunder has always scared me. The memories I have of them are enough to make my eyes water.

Tears run down my cheeks and blend with the rain, then hit the grass below my body.

My grip on Damien is strong and as tight as I possible can, hugging him if I can. My body is so close to him, that it looks like we've been glued together.

My sobs can't be heard from the loud thunders that keep coming, each time a light appears, making the shadows of the trees seem scary and vine like, as if they are coming to get me.

It amazes me how Damien can still sleep through all of this. At first I thought he actually dead, but when I feel his chest go up and down, that theory is shot down.

Right before my eyes, a flash of lighting appear in the distance. Yet, so close by. Right after it the thunder comes with its loud noises.

It's so loud that it hurts my ear drums. My screams aren't heard from the loud noises. Yet, as soon as the scream escapes my lips, Damien bolts awake.

Instantly his arms are around my small shaking and shivering body.

"It's all right, Mi amor"

His soothing voice in my ear helps a lot and I feel myself craving for his voice to comfort me and get me through this.

"It's just thunder and lighting. It will pass"

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