❝I Don't Belong❞

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Chapter 17


powerful roaring growl is heard from outside. It wakes me up from a horrible nightmare. Bolting awake and rushing to stand up, I look out the window to see what is going on outside.

The blackness of the night is the first thing I am met with. My eyes have now gotten used to the dark. Even if there are hints of lights outside, it's still hard to see what is happening.

I can hear people chatting in a distance, only I can't make out what they are saying. There are many people outside. What are they doing at this time in the middle of the night?

Running out of the hospital bed, down the hallways, until I find the exit that I had found few days ago. I originally had planned to use it to escape this place.

That plan is still a work in progress, but first I need to fool them to believe that I am getting better. They are so stupid for believing me.

My body doesn't hurt when I run, it has been a long time since that has happened. Normally I'm used to every single step hurting my whole body.

Opening the heavy metal doors that lead outside, I run to where all the people are. The closer I get the more I start to hear their words.

"A human?"

"This is not possible"

"She can't stay here

"She won't make a good Luna"

"The girl has to go"

"A human doesn't belong here"

She's his Mate"

"A human isn't fit for a Luna"

What are they talking about? I don't get it. They are so many of them there, just standing there in a semi-circle. Some hold flashlight, while other aren't.

Many of them are dressed in pajamas. Hiding behind a tree to see what is going on there, I make sure to be out of sight. I don't want anyone to see me.

There are so many people there and each one of them are in a heated argument with the person next to them. And they all appear to be facing something, only I can't see what.

These comments are being thrown from almost everyone there. I know that these people are the ones that live in the town that I see from here.

The same loud growl comes from the other side of the people and they instantly shut up and look that way. I hold my hands over my ears, the growl is so loud yet so powerful.

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