❝I Will Never Be Good Enough❞

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Chapter 15


sun shines brightly in my eyes while I sit on the hospital bed. In front of me is a plate with a cut apple. After yesterday's failure of not eating a pie, they want to feed me something else. Apples.

As if that is going to work. Don't they understand that if I am not going to eat a pie, what makes me eat an apple instead?

I know apples are very healthy and everything, it is just that I am on a mission of not eating to get skinny. That means no food.

Apparently no one seems to understand that. Damien has been sitting beside the bed for a long time, just watching me and waiting until I eat the apple.

There is no way in hell that I will eat that apple, it is gross and it's food. My stomach aches just thinking of food, I can't really be sure if my stomach wants food or not. At least I know that my mind doesn't want any food, that is perfectly clear.

Having him watching me like that, just staring into my soul without looking into my eyes is very uncomfortable, I want him to stop looking at me.

He doesn't even do anything while he watches me like I am a picture hanging on a wall that has a very dusty layer, and you need to look very hard to see what is on it, not wanting to get dirty by the dust.

The apple is red, and it has gone a small brown color from standing on that plate for long time. Sitting there, not doing anything at all.

"Mi amor, you have to eat. This is good for your body"

His heavenly voice breaks the silence in the room, there is so much tension here that it is possible to cut it with a knife as well as my flesh.

"I can't watch you fade away before my eyes, you're too precious to me mi amor"

"You may not realize this, but you mean more to me than anyone in the world. I can't live without you"

"I will not watch while you destroy yourself"

Why should he care about me? We just met and he is already making this look like we have known each other since birth.

"Then don't watch"

I hadn't noticed that I had spoken until I did it. My hand clamps over my mouth, silencing me and making sure I don't talk any further than this.

He looks shock at my sudden outburst, I am to. I didn't mean this as an insult, I only meant that he doesn't have to watch over me or take care of me.

No one asked him to do this, and I never asked him to care about me. He must be lying, no one cares about me. It is impossible. That is what I have always been told, my whole life.

When I look up at him, his brown hair covers his eyes, but his green orbs are still slightly visible from between his hair bangs.

I can see in his eyes that he is sad, by me. This is what I do. I hurt people. It isn't the first time I have done it and it won't be the last. It's best just to leave me dead, that way I can never hurt anyone ever again.

"Just remember that there is someone who loves you"

Damien is quick to get up from the chair and walk out of the room, leaving me yet again alone with myself and my terrible thoughts.

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