❝I'm Not Strong❞

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Chapter 26


chuckles with a dark smirk plastered on his face, I saw when I stood back up after a moment or two to see what is happening.

My is racing in my chest like I have been running in a marathon. One hand over my mouth, just so I don't scream out of terror and fright.

The memories of us together flash before my eyes, the way he made me feel, like I could be happy someday. Like I could have a life with no pain, with him.

All of that has been a lie. He isn't the good person I believed him to be. The person I've come to know isn't who he is and I don't even know who he is right now.

At this moment he is a stranger to me. The Damien that I met would never hurt a soul, he has always been so gentle and kind to me.

"You hurt the one who swore to protect. Your Luna and your Queen. You're lucky you are still alive. Consider this mercy. And I don't do mercy"

His voice is dark and evil. Nothing like I've heard him speak before. Through the window I can see him pacing in front of Melissa as she hangs there.

Moans of pain is all that comes from Melissa. Her head hanging on her right side, as both arms have been chained up, holding her body up.

The blood on her body drips to the floor after it has run down her entire body and drip from her feet. The puddle of her blood breaks my heart, it's so large.

She's been through pain and Damien might have been the one who did this to her. It's inhumane. He reminds me of the Devil and Malcolm. Perhaps there is no place I can stay that there is no pain.

"You knew my Mate was and is sick. She was finally getting progress when you decided to drive her away from me. She is my life and no one will hurt her. Not even you"

"The only reason you're still alive is for your position on the Counsel. Which I am sure will throw you out of as soon as they learn what you did to The Queen"

His voice alone sends shiver down my spine, not the kind that would normally feel nice when I get chills from him. Right now I feel disgusted by him.

"They told me she might never get better. You see I can not have a Queen who doesn't even talk. I need a strong Queen. Katia isn't strong"

This words coming from feel like my heart has been thorn out of my body and crushed. Tears run down my cheeks like a waterfall as all I can think of are his words.

He said I'm not strong. And, he's right. I'm not. It's a stated fact. Now the one person I wanted to believe would care for me doesn't think I'm strong.

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