❝Savior In Black❞

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Chapter 9


images flash before my eyes, some go quick, others go-slow allowing me to see them. I realize that those are my happiest memories that I have.

And they are not many. One is very slow, I do believe it wants me to see that memory. Allowing myself to see what is happening in that memory, I see the day I was four.

I don't remember a lot of that day, I remember that there was a very sunny day. We went to a picnic in the backyard, my mother was there with me, while my father was on is way home from work.

The smile on my mother's face is like the sun when she shines high on the light blue sky. She wears a black crop top with a blue jacked over it, she wears blue jeans and heels.

Her black hair matches mine as I braid it for her. She sits on a red blanket with white spots while I stand and braid her perfectly straight raven black hair.

"Mommy, be still"

The child version of me speaks and is followed by soft giggles coming from her, and soon my mother joins in the laughter.

"I'll stop, but you need to hurry. Daddy is coming, we want to surprise daddy with your gift"

Her voice is so soft and kind. I love hearing my mother talk. Ever since I was little, her voice would always put me to sleep by telling beautiful stories that I wanted to listen to forever, yet life doesn't work that way.

"All done"

The child that is in this memory has no idea that in just few years this happiness will be gone, never to return again. It will be replaced with sadness and emptiness.

The braid that I made in her hair as a child isn't very good, and is crooked. Yet, my mother never cared about how everything looked.

She saw the world in a different light, I looked up to her for that, I admired how she saw the world. I used to see it like she did, but then the world chanced into a cruel place.

Hearing a car pull up in the memory, my mother looks up with a smile as wide as a mile grows on her face. She stands up.

"Come inside, Katia. Your father has arrived"

My mother takes my small hand and leads me inside the house where my father has recently just gone home. I remember this day now perfectly.

Broken ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora