❝I'm A Failure❞

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Chapter 16


grass is surprisingly green here even if it is almost winter, and the trees still have their leaves, in the town the grass has turned pale green color or brownish and the trees have lost all their leaves for the time being.

I have noticed that this place is oddly strange. Even if I have only been here a week, not counting the days that I was in a small coma, and everything is so weird.

When they brought me here, I was in a coma for three days. Dr. Ray didn't actually tell me that much about my coma, only that it lasted for three days, and I was almost dead.

She said that my heart stopped six times, and then it started to beat again. Never in her medical time has she seen anything like this before. She hinted to me that it has something to do with Damien Lycan.

During the week I have been here awake, I've gotten to know this place a little better. Like how every day at six in the morning the men in this town go hunting, and they always bring back something impressive.

I haven't been out to the town, but I have seen it. It's huge, even in a distance. The house I am in belongs to Damien and his family. Spoiler alert, he is a billionaire.

His whole mansion is somehow hidden from my town, and the town that the people live here are hidden away from everything, the forest is so thick and large that it covers everything.

Damien gave me a tour around the house, and it is so big and amazing. His house has everything, literally.

If I knew that there was a town here, I would have come here a long time ago. But, I know that Damien and the people here are hiding something.

No one stops by his house, and they seem to stay away from him. I have even noticed that Dr. Ray acts strange around him.

At first, I thought that she had a crush on him, appears it is wrong. She has a husband, but when I look hard enough at the tension between her and Damien, I start to see that she is somehow afraid of him.

I'm not even sure why, he is the sweetest person in the whole world. He has been with me every step of the way, and for some reason I trust him.

At times, I would yell at my mind to not be attached to him, that he will just end up hurting me in the end, but then my shattered heart steps in and doesn't agree.

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