❝All Hope Is Lost❞

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Chapter 19


to keep myself on my feet seems to be harder than I had thought. My body has almost no strength to hold myself up.

I'm so weak. Can't even hold myself up while trying to escape. This seems to be a cycle that never ends. Me trying to escape, can't hold myself and then get caught.

I seem to lack of creativity when it comes to escaping this place, seeing as I'm unable to get out of here using the ideas that I do come up with.

"What do you think you're doing, my love?" A furious voice booms over me, as I open the glass door. It took some time but I did it, eventually.

I never really realized how heavy this door is. Perhaps my body is just far too weak to handle a door like that, that must be it.

Everyone else can open and close that door as they please without having trouble with it, all except for me. The weakling.

Even Dr. Ray can do it, and she doesn't look like she is fit. She might be skinny and looks healthy but I'm not sure she is the work-out and sporty person.

When his voice booms all over, I get startled and disappointed 'cause seeing his hurtful look breaks my heart in more pieces than it already is in.

He has only been kind to me, and he hasn't hurt me, not once. He holds me and makes me feel loved?

With a single lift he picks me up and gently sets me down on the bed, I refuse to look at his face, not wanting to face more disappointment.

"I'll have to tie you down to the bed, if you do not stop this!"

His voice is serious and emotional. I get anxious and the anxiety in me starts so build up. The memories of being chained flash into mind.


"Look at that worthless little cunt trying to break free!!"

Cruel and vicious laughter breaks out in the crowd that spreads through everyone. My tears are falling on the ground, as I screamed once again when the pain hits me.



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