❝Nightmare Turns Reality❞

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Chapter 25


so cold. I'm freezing in here. My skin is covered in goosebumps from the cold waves that hit me. The cold air hurts my nose when I breathe.

The tears that run down my cheeks are cold, like ice. And my fingers are so cold that I can barely feel them. I've lost all feeling in my toes.

Soon my whole body will lose it's feeling too. My clothes are wet from frost that has fallen down from the freezer lid.

From inside the freezer I can hear my father laugh with his friends. He is playing poker with them, I can almost smell the alcohol from here.

There is no way out of here, for the freezer lid is shut and he put something on top of it to keep me away from opening and escaping my punishment.

Even if there was nothing on the lid I wouldn't get out. I deserve to be here, I wasn't good. I messed up again, like everyday.

All of this is for my own good. I was bad, my father only wants to discipline me and this is the way to do it. Besides he doesn't need me to be the bother I am around his friends. He knows how much everyone in this town hates me.

"Just few more hours. You can do this, Katia. Be strong."


Opening the door of the bedroom I'm currently in, I walk outside into an empty looking hallway. Nothing is on the wall, not pictures. Nothing, it's just empty. Just like my heart.

The female ear-shattering scream frightens me when this time it's louder and scarier than the last one. My heart skips a beat in my chest, and my whole body shakes as the thought of someone in pain.

I'm a person that has been through so much pain, more pain than most go through in a lifetime and I hate it when other people are hurt.

Sadly I follow the screams, it hurts me to hear this. My eyes are watery from the tears that have formed. I find a window to look through and when I do I see that I'm still in Damien's mansion.

Only this time I'm a lot higher from the ground, I believe this is the highest floor or the second highest. Can't exactly be sure about it.

Another scream breaks the silence in the empty hallway, tears stream down my cheeks as I hear that scream. With each passing minute it gets louder and more painful.

It's clear that the person who owns the scream is in a lot of pain and someone needs to do something about it. Where is smiling Dr. Ray when she is needed?

Why not drug this person unconscious while Dr. Ray fixes what is wrong with her. I believe it's a female. If she were unconscious then she wouldn't feel this much pain.

Sure she would be sore and the whole body might ache when she wakes up, but that is better than being in a agonizing pain.

And this is coming from the person who has been in a pain like that and didn't get medical attention, if she is in a pain like that, then please someone do something about it. She needs help, now.

Running down the hallway, I find the elevator. Damien once told me that there are two elevators in this mansion. One on each side of the hallways.

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