❝Save Me From Myself❞

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Chapter 24


bridge doesn't seem to be able to hold the two of us for much longer. The wood is far too old to be able to hold this much weight.

My tears fall harder as I hear silently cry for me, his tears hit my hair and shoulders. My own tears fall into the rushing waves of the waterfall.

"I c..a...annnt.... do...tt..th..is ....an...ym...ymo...rre..."

My voice breaks as I stutter, trying to talk to him. I just want this pain to end at last. I care for Damien, but he has a whole life.

People who love and respect him, a fiancé that really hates me and really loves him. She would do anything for him, even try to get rid of me.

There are more similarities to Cindy and Melissa than someone would think, not only do they both hate me and like to cause me pain.

But, also they also like to protect the man that they're dating. Cindy once beat up a girl for kissing Thomas. Melissa beat me up for spending so much time with Damien, her man.

I was never supposed to be there in the first place. I shouldn't have been there, it was all a mistake. I am a mistake. Now I can fix that mistake.

"Close your eyes. Close them. My love"

"I will make everything okay again, I swear"

My hiccups from the crying prevent me from breathing normally, my breaths are short and fast. Tears are still falling from my eyes.

Closing my eyes, few tears escape as I trust him to hold me and make sure that I don't fall. My subconscious is yelling at me to be with him.

To trust him with my life, to not die and be with him. However my mind is telling me that he will only bring me more pain.

Damien will only hurt me. First he will help me, then my life's luck catches up with me and everything turns upside down.

He will bring me agony and the cycle repeats itself like it has done so many times. It's like I'm chained down to a waterwheel.

As the wheel rotates, I'm on top with no pain. Few days or weeks without the pain and hurt, then the wheel goes into the water.

With me drowning in it. The pain in my heart becomes heavy with each and every heartbreak. The wheel is so heavy that it has a hard time to get back up to the surface.

In the water I stay for a long time, drowning in pain and sorrow. Then at last the wheel goes up and repeats itself for all eternity.

A cruel and vicious cycle that I have to endure, and there is no way to stop the wheel. It will never end, just the circle of life can never end.

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