❝The Terrors I See❞

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Chapter 18


it, my love. Fight with everything you have"

Those words are the only thing I hear through the darkness. The pain is overbearing. It's so dark here and cold. I'm freezing.

I can't feel my body, only the pain that I'm in. I feel every pain my body is going through in this dark and cold place. This only means I'm not dead yet.


There it is again. The voice is male and rather familiar to me, only I can't put my finger on who it belongs to.

Someone wants me to fight something, but I have nothing to fight for. I have given up and I just want peace and quiet.

I want to be somewhere where there is no pain and no endless suffering for me, yet that doesn't seem to be what the world has in store for me.

I can feel my body become colder and cooler as the long seconds pass by and I know that I'm close to death. The life is being taken away from me, I can feel it.

It feels so good to be surrendering to the pain and allowing myself to fall asleep to never wake up again. I'll be dead.


The wolf sits on a rock by the waterfall, staring at the glittering water in front of it. It hasn't noticed me, yet.

I stand just few steps away from it, and I watch it as it stares at the water. The black furred wolf has its tail and years down, it looks like it's sad.

Looking around myself, I don't see the sun anymore like I always had. Instead, the sky is black, and the grass is just the brown dirt.

The trees that once held so much beauty have turned to ash and those who do stand are only burnt tree stumps.

The waterfall doesn't hold the same shimmering beauty as it did before, it only holds dirty and pollution water.

It looks like everything here is dead, or dying. There are no animals around, not that they can live here. This isn't a home anymore, not even a safe place. What has happened to this place?

I'm not wearing a beautiful white dress anymore. I am dressed in a plain black sleeveless a-line short dress, on my feet are black ankle strap heels.

I take few steps to the wolf, but it doesn't even move. It hasn't moved since I woke up here. It's like this wolf is a statue. I'm not even sure that it's breathing.

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