❝The Hate I feel❞

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Chapter 38


travels from my neck to my entire body as something sharp has been jammed into my neck. His teeth.

His grip on my hands only tightens as I try to push him off me, for the pain is great and the fact that he is hurting me makes it even worse.

Tears stream down my cheeks and my sobs mix in with the screams I let out from my lips, my throat burning in the process.

He's far too strong for me and as I shove and kick him with all the strength I have, he doesn't budge. He doesn't move, he doesn't do anything.

I can already feel the blood leak down from my neck, yet he licks it with his tongue.

His teeth pierce back and the pressure of his teeth in my skin disappears as he lifts his head from my neck.

A smirk is plastered on his face and I can't read into his eyes, it's like he isn't Damien anymore, he's someone else entirely.

My neck still feels like it's on fire, the burning pain still haunts me and the blood continues to drip down from my neck onto the pillow.

He lets go of my hands and I instantly back away from him, but the pain in my neck holds me down. It hurts so much, my neck feels like there has been a knife thrown at it and is still there, jammed in my neck.

I let out another scream as I try to move, but the pain is so great that I stay in the original position, however I still try to get away from him.

"Forgive me, mi amor. It had to be done"

The look of pure hatred has been replaced on my face and as the tears run down my face, my sobs are the only sounds that are heard in this room.

He tries to touch me but I flinch by his touch, yet the sparks send this feeling of pleasure through-out my body, making me somehow want to feel his touch.

"Un giorno mi perdonerai, fino ad allora, ti farò amare di nuovo"

(One day you will forgive me, until then, I'll make you love me again)

His thick accent can make every girl swoon for him, and I'm no different. His effect on me in magnificent and even when I don't understand what he says, I don't allow his words to affect me.

Yet, they have. It takes a battle with myself to not let blood flow to my cheeks, but I fail and I feel the hot blood reach my cheeks and pain them like a canvas.

"Sono così difficile per te, voglio essere dentro di te"

(I'm so hard for you, I want to be inside of you)

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