❝Cries Of The Enemy❞

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Chapter 42


soft drops from the rain gently fall on my face, as I lay in the grass. My clothes and body soaking wet, yet doesn't bother me.

The sky is covered with light gray clouds as I stare at the nothing up above, the rain getting in my eye as I try to keep them open from the light that shines from the sky.

The rain isn't cold at all, the warm weather outside doesn't allow the water that comes from the sky to be cold and therefore I don't mind staying out here.

In the rain where the water has no mercy on anything. It isn't heavy rain, it's light and graceful, and as each drop falls down to the ground, it covers a spot that is dry, making it wet.

My clothes are so wet and if it were cold, I would have been freezing. But now, I feel warm and relaxed. However, only for a moment.

These few minutes that I've been in here have been good, just by myself and with no one to make fun of me or do anything bad to me.

Reality is a funny thing, it always has a way of catching you off guard and you never know when it hits you.

One second you're in the rain, enjoying the drops as they softly land on your skin, and the next you're standing up from hearing some sound.

The reality has hit me and the sounds from the world comes to my ears, sounds I shut off earlier but can't anymore.

Cars driving and people talking, those are the first two sounds I hear and both not pleasant to hear. Not something I want to hear when I'm trying to relax.

Just for a second, I want to have some time for myself, a time when I don't have to hide or run away 'cause someone is chasing me, with the thought of hurting me.

Then out of nowhere, I hear a sound everyone has heard, a sound I know too well. Just not coming from someone else.

Normally it would be me giving away that sound, then again everyone is allowed to make any sound they want.

Standing up from the grassy ground beneath me, the clothes I wear already far too heavy for me. My black hoodie so heavy that I almost fall down.

Listening harder for the sound, I turn around and walk into that direction. The rain soaking my back as I go, but I don't pay attention to it.

With each step I take, the louder the sound becomes. I feel my heartbeat increase in my chest as the fear rises in me.

I don't know who I'm going to find, and I might get a beating for this. Somehow I feel something inside of me, I feel sympathy of some kind.

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