❝The Truth Unfolds Before My Eyes❞

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Chapter 40


black wolf that haunts my dreams. My guardian angel stands proudly in front of me like a king, his head high.

All fear in me vanishes when my eyes meet the forest green eyes that belong to him, his eyes glow brighter than any star in the sky.

Slowly he makes his way over to me and even though there is no fear in me doesn't mean that the instinct in me doesn't act the way that it should.

My back against the tree and my body longs to back more, away from the predator in front of me that can end my life in seconds if he wanted.

When my body is unable to back anymore, I slide along the bark of the tree until I'm sitting on the cold hard ground. I might just have ruined the dress that I'm wearing but that is the last thing on my mind.

The wolf is so close and from down here, he's massive. He stands right in front of me and his head goes down to mine, sniffing me.

The green in his eyes never leaves my blue ones and the familiarity that I've always felt when looking into his eyes in my dreams, is now clear to me.

I knew from the moment I saw Damien's eyes that I had seen them before. Those exact eyes, the very eyes that have haunted me from day one.

Now I know why, Damien and the wolf have the same eyes 'cause they are the same. It's all true. Every word that Damien said is the truth.

And the wolf before me now is Damien, somehow this is possible. Somehow a human being can completely change its form and become something else.

The wolf or Damien, then does something unexpected. He licks my cheek. His wet tongue is wet and gross.

A small giggle escapes my lips when he does this and for a moment all my problems seem to disappear and gone out the window.

But then reality hits me like a baseball bat hitting a baseball. And I shut my mouth as quickly as I possibly can.

When I giggled the wolf's eyes turned my way and were completely focused on me, then when I close my mouth his eyes turn backwards.

And he looks down to the ground, in sadness? Did I do something wrong? Of course I did, I just giggled, something that I haven't done in a long time.

Something that I thought I would never do again, but here I am. Giggling with the wolf that is Damien, the one that I've fallen in love with.

After a moment or two the wolf turns around and runs somewhere, and it's like the dark has returned again.

When he was here, I felt protected and safe and believe it or not, the dark seems to have been turned into light and the night was no more.

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