❝The Aftermath Of A Broken Heart❞

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Chapter 34


is all I feel. Emotional pain, not physical. I feel like my heart has been ripped right out of my chest and crushed with a sledgehammer.

By a tree, I fall down on my knees and cry out. From the pain that has taken hold of my heart. It hurts so much, I can't handle this pain anymore.

My tears run down my face like waterfalls are falling down my eyes, the lights in the town are blurry from the water in my eyes.

The heavy ran has soaked me from head to toe and the wet clothes are heavy and hold me down to the ground.

I stay by a large tree, away from anyone's eyes. Even if people were looking, they wouldn't see me. The dark also shields me from anyone's eyes.

Katia isn't the one I need. She's like a child that needs to be taken care of!

His voice still echoes in my ears, like he's standing right next to me and telling me all this now.

I can remember every single word he said, and I know he meant it all. Damien is one thing, but when he is angry he doesn't lie. That I've noticed.

When angry, the honest truth always comes from him. It hadn't happened a lot, but it does happen. He truly feels that.

He's like everyone else. He doesn't and never did care for me, he lied to me. This whole time, he played me for a fool.

He betrayed my trust. I actually trusted him, more than I've ever trusted anyone in my life. And he took that trust and threw it out the window, like it was nothing.

I never should have trusted him. Yet, I found myself trusting him just 'cause he saved me. He never saved me at all, he was just someone who used me for whatever it is he wanted to use me for.

I'm so fucking stupid, I should have known all along that he would hurt me in the end, like everyone else.

Deep down, I think there was a voice inside of me that screamed at me that I never should have gotten involved like that with him.

I didn't listen to that voice, even when it screamed at me. I was so stuck in this fake reality that blinded me from the hurtful truth that I should have seen.

I actually got involved with him, I became his girlfriend. I guess that was all a trick. Everything was.

All that fake kindness was only to trick me and blind me from the truth that they tried to shield before my eyes.

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