❝Beauty Through Pain❞

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Chapter 22


can make people do things that are unimaginable and stupid. When the adrenaline has taken hold on someone, and the brain goes into a state where it isn't thinking clearly, bad things can accrue.

It can also be the very thing stopping you from doing something. Leaving you paralyzed and unable to do anything.

Your body petrified and the horror that is the cause of this still happens before your eyes.

That's how I feel now. I can barely move from the fear that surges through my body. I stand still on the ground as the terror happens in front of me.

This is beyond my control and nothing can be done by me here on. As the wolves fight in front me, I cower in fear.

I can almost hear my own heartbeat, as my heart is beating faster than every.

Claws fight claws and teeth fight teeth. Blood is everywhere as the two wolves battle it out. They growl at each other.

Both their eyes are yellow and devilish, at least for the slit second I managed to get a glimpse of what is happening in front of me.

It's happening so fast, I can barely see what is going on. I just know that there is one who will win, and I desperately how it's the black wolf.

The black wolf appeared out of no where and frankly I don't care where. It's the same wolf I have seen in my dreams, it can't be a coincidence that the wolf that has been haunting my mind appears here.

Fighting the wolf that is trying to kill me. There has to be more to it than that. As the fight tenses and I can see both wolves are tired and badly injured, they don't give in the lose.

The black wolf is my guardian angel, he has been with me through everything. In my mind, and I failed him. I have to do something now, I am not failing him again.

Just as I know he will not fail me. As he fights the other wolf, he makes sure that the enemy doesn't get close to me. Or is this all in my head.

The black one might be trying to make sure that the other one doesn't get his food.

'Cause now I'm only wolf food, there is just a battle to see who gets to kill and eat me. Or eat me alive.

I forgot. There is no way my guardian angel is here to save me from the brown wolf. The fur on the brown wolf is coated in blood, and the brown is barely visible.

However on my guardian angel the blood from his injuries is no where to be seen, as the fur is so black that even the crimson color of blood has no effect the color.

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