❝Facing The Feelings❞

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Chapter 31


kiss was soft. Sparks are going through my whole body like electricity, it doesn't hurt. It feels so good. It makes my body feel hot.

His hands travel my body, bringing me closer to him. My body pressed against his chest and the kiss only deepens.

His lips are soft and taste of chocolate mint, he doesn't force anything. He is hesitant and unsure of what he is doing is right.

My eyes are widened and I can only stare at his closed eyelids, as he had closed them when he kissed me.

The shock is going through my body and I have no idea what to do. No one has ever kissed me before and here I stand, unsure where I stand in this whole thing.

Before I know it, his lips part ways with mine and I can't help but feel this longing to kiss him again.

His eyes open and I am met with the beautiful forest green color of his eyes. He stares into my blue ones, searching for something in them.

"Say yes and I shall prove to you that I will not harm or hurt in you in form. I will only love and take care of you like you deserve. Allow me treat you the right way."

His husky voice almost breaks. His eyes fill with tears. He's probably afraid to get rejected once again by me. My own eyes form tears.

I'm not going to lie. That kiss was nothing like I have ever experienced in my entire life. It filled me up with so much happiness and hope that one day I will feel better and be better than I am right now.

This moment right now is something I will cherish in my heart forever, one of the best moment in my life.

And there aren't many. When I think of the moment I have been happy, which aren't that many, I realize that most of the moments I have been with Damien or my mom.

Damien makes me feel happy or as happy as I can get. Perhaps I should give this a try. If it doesn't work, then I know there is no one in this world that can love me.

He is the only one whop actually treats me like a normal human being, like an equal.



Mommy and daddy and me are playing with the dolly's. I have the one with pink dress and mommy has the one with the purple dress and daddy has the one with the blue dress. I love pink.

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