❝Pain Strikes When You Least Expect It❞

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Chapter 6


has never been easy for me my whole life, to me I feel pain every single day and most of it comes from school. Not only am I bullied mentally but emotionally and physically too.

Not a single day goes by that I don't feel pain and honestly I hate it, I deserve it but I don't like it. I just want this over with.

With each day my mind grows darker and emptier, I am starting to become on the outside what I look on the inside. Dead.

I don't feel alive anymore and every day is a constant reminder of that, the flesh my body holds doesn't look like it should. My body is ruined, as is my mind and soul.

Dying is the only thing that will free me from the cursed life I live, and I do hope death is coming soon. Knowing that soon I will take my own life doesn't bother me, I don't want to live anymore.

I feel so alone. And, the day that is starting at the moment is another reason for death for me, today I experience the worst moments of my life, but that didn't happen yet, I had no idea what was waiting for me in the night.

The school opened one minute ago and I sit in the dark gloomy classroom of the science room, even if the school has opened doesn't mean that people are here yet.

Only the principal and the janitor are in the building as am I. The quiet classroom is so relaxing and I wish the day would be like this.

Yet, I know that as soon as the students start piling up things will get bad for me, and that is a proven fact. As soon as I will be spotted hell reigns over.

They might not do anything in class other than throw some mean notes at me or try to trip me over or something, but that is only in the classroom.

Once we are in the hallways they let their cruelty rule and do whatever they want with me, not one dares to stop them. Who can blame them, I am after all the only one who is responsible for everything that happened.

The students are arriving one by one and here I sit in the shadow corner that is in back of the class, just hoping that no one notices that I here.

But, like everyone should know that I don't get a break from the pain as I am spotted by Olivia, she is walking behind Cindy who is doing her make-up and not caring who she bumps into and makes fall down.

The other girls from the slut gang are behind her, beside Olivia. They try their best to be like Cindy that they copy her every single move, it makes me gag.

Olivia sends a smirk my way and I know something is coming. She gets Cindy's attention and when she has successfully got it, Olivia points at me.

The only thing I can do is hope that Cindy doesn't feel like doing anything to me today, she is the kind of girl that has far to long fake nails, sometimes she doesn't like doing things for herself.

And that is where is slut gang come into the story, they are like her minions, they do absolutely everything she tells them to do, in this case will be bad.

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