Alpha Daniel

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After signing up the treaty, grandpa and I left to the pack, saying our goodbyes to Asher. On the way back, grandpa informed me about his next plan.


"Yes grandpa."

"I have been thinking for some time. I have come to a decision."

"What is it grandpa?"

"I am going to step down from my post."

"Who are you going to make the next alpha as?", I asked, not surprised.

I mean, grandpa was getting old and he would have to dethrone someday.

"I was thinking of making you -", he started.

I opened my mouth to protest when he motioned for me to remain silent.

"Since you found your mate who happens to be an alpha too, I thought against it. Now my only option is Daniel. I hope he accepts my offer.", he said.

"Of course, he will accept. He hasn't taken up the role as the beta of Red Moon pack yet, so he should be able to do so. But, he was trained as a beta, so will he be suitable for it?", I asked.

"He sure will be. He has alpha blood in him, no matter what training he had been put through, it doesn't change the fact that he is a natural. So that shouldn't be a problem."

I nodded.

"I will talk to him once I go back.", he added.

The rest of the journey went by talking about how things were working with me and Raden and other general topics.

Once I reached grandpa's pack, I left with Raden, who had come by to pick me up.

I told him about how things went on that day, including the conversation with grandpa.

He was happy with grandpa's decision, for he didn't want us to be apart while having to manage the packs.

~Two days later~

I got a call from grandpa in the early morning, saying he wanted me to come to the pack immediately for he was planning to do the ceremony the next day. It was good to hear grandpa being so happy.

I went to Raden's office, since he had been staying there for the past two days doing some important pack matters. I was doubtful as to whether he would come along at all.

"Raden", I called out knocking on his door.

"Come in", a gruff voice came from inside.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you needn't get permission to come inside?", he chided once I entered.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't want walk in on some important discussion?", I shot back.

He shook his head at me with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Fine, what is it that has got you up early in the morning?", he asked keeping aside his papers.

Even though I would protest for him doing that in other times, this matter required how much ever attention he could offer.

"Grandpa is holding ceremony for Daniel tomorrow. He is asking for us to come there as soon as possible. If you could not make it, I would understand.", I said throwing the ball at his court.

"Why would I not come? These pack issues can wait for a day or two. So do you have a dress to wear for the ceremony?", he asked.

I was shocked at the sudden change of topic. I mean, it was good to know that he would be accompanying me, but couldn't he give me some time to process his words before jumping to another topic?

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